chaila My old staple I keep coming back to is Life but most recently it's Leverage, Burn Notice, and The West Wing.
(I love spy stories, heists, and police procedurals. I also love ensembles with really smart people and I keep hoping re-watching all of the above will rub off on my writing and I can piece together how to write a case fic.)
But Life is the one I keep coming back to especially season 1 because it was such a gentle and kind show about two broken people who learn to find grace. It's a noir that's filled with light, and the show loves Los Angeles so much, as much as Dani Reese and Charlie Crews loves Los Angeles.
For movies: I keep coming back to Gosford Park partly because of the upstairs/downstairs dynamic and a lot because of how it was filmed like it was an ongoing theater with the added bonus of a Golden Aged Detective mystery. I love picking up the details I missed the first time I saw the movie.
For books, I tend to go back to Diana Wynne Jones books but recently in place of novels I've turned more and more to reading fanfic. I like Nomad's West Wing
Further to Fly series. I'm amazed at how Nomad was able to write something so similar to TWW style plot and dialogue and made it an ensemble. It's gen with some romantic relationships but the dynamic is all about the ensemble and the politics. Each story flows and builds into the next. I hope to write a long multi-chaptered gen story like this one day.
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