December Talking Meme #7 - Rose Tyler

Dec 16, 2014 09:18


Rose Tyler is my first companion.

I've seen Doctor Who on and off through my childhood but I don't think I've actually sat down and watched an episode or understood any of it. My memories of Doctor Who, specifically of Four, Five, and Eight are very grainy.

(In my head, they are grainy, like watching an old film.)

So, officially, Rose Tyler is my first companion and I loved her arc. There's something about Rose's arc that just really spoke to me and RTD, for all his faults, knew how to introduce a character.

I knew who Rose was immediately and why she would think traveling through time and space is such a fantastic idea. I loved her passion for traveling, for adventure. All her life she was told to be only one thing, and Jackie as well meaning as she was, and as awesome as she becomes also bought into the mentality that they can't be better than she is, that Rose learning something is Rose putting on 'airs and graces'.

I loved Rose's spirit and generosity, and I loved that she looked at the stars, I loved that she's adaptable, and I loved that before everything else, she used the skills she had on hand with her to save Nine: Gymnastics. (She got the bronze).

But also, I loved Rose's flaws.

She isn't perfect, she could have treated Mickey better and that's a fact. She clung to the idea of Mickey as something to hold on to when she's back home (a reversal of their dynamic). Mickey and Rose are better friends than lovers.

I love that Rose had her own motivations and there was a time she actively didn't follow Nine because she chose her father.

Also, season 2... Rose was more taken with the Doctor, taken with the adventure of it all that at times Ten and Rose together were insufferable.

But she grew, Rose didn't stay in one place, and she wasn't just one person.

(Sometimes literally.)

Here I'll talk about the Bad Wolf, because I feel strongly that the Bad Wolf is, will be, and forevermore a part of Rose Tyler.

I love the Bad Wolf arc. This is the arc I will forever love Doctor Who for.

I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself. I take the words; I scatter them in time and space - a message to lead myself here.

The whole mythology of the Bad Wolf is breathtaking to me, and I feel that the Bad Wolf arc is still unfinished and that the Bad Wolf is still with Rose.

I have this whole theory where the Rose we saw Partners and Crime and especially Turn Left is a different Rose, that Rose is closer to an integrated Bad Wolf!Rose... and the one we see in Journey's End is a Rose before the integration.

Also, The Moment is the Bad Wolf, by invoking the name Bad Wolf it both created and summoned the Bad Wolf, that's how the Bad Wolf myth works.

So somewhere in the Pete's World, Rose is discovering her Bad Wolf powers, something that only comes in severe duress and is very protective of Rose (the Bad Wolf virus that wiped out all database on Rose and other companions in season 2 comes to mind sourse). In my headcanon, while TenToo is more human now, Rose increasingly becomes less human and its something that will trigger Rose into becoming The Bad Wolf.

The Bad Wolf (separate from Rose) is not an entirely benevolent being, it is capricious. It can be alternately kind and cold. Or both. Its not a happy future for Rose IMO.

I have this very strange thing where I like my favorites to have this dark side, and for Rose it happens to be becoming this entity, this almost Galadriel like persona.

'You shall love me and despair.

But at the very beginning, at the start of it all, Rose Tyler was an ordinary shopgirl from London, with a mom, and a boyfriend, and a flat in an Estate. And when she meets a man whose face she can barely make out and she promises that the next year will be 'fantastic' she barely lets herself believe it until a man with big ears, tugs at her hand and tells her to run.

And then she did.

Rose Tyler Fic Rec ( LJ)

Send-Off by Marylane

Post-Doomsday, the Doctor finally achieves the impossible. A quiet and proper send-off to Rose and her life with the Doctor:

So many years of catching sight of men in long coats out of the corner of her eye, she’s long since learned that it’s never him.

She finds that being wrong about that is no less painful than being right.

"Hullo, Rose."

Quiet Life by Marylane

Impossible Planet AU, and yet so like Marylane's stories, still part of canon. Another 'what-if the Doctor never found the TARDIS story'. A wonderful, wonderful AU where Rose and the Doctor still live the same life they lived in the TARDIS.

It features Rose as a captain and I've always imagined Rose would be a good captain and this certainly proves it. It's so lovely a concept and the choice the Doctor has to make at the end is heartbreaking.

He sits her down in the pilot seat and tells her they’ll have to be careful, avoid attention. Just to see if she’ll take the bait.

She smiles dangerously, stroking the main console of their new home in a way that reminds him of himself at his worst, and assures him that she’ll behave.

She christens it the Captain Jack.

Here There Be by 

This can't be a recommendation without this story. It's a shame Rose gen stories aren't more popular because this -- I think this is the definitive post-Doomsday Rose story. It has dinosaurs, Puff the Magic Piper, personal mythologies, a believable romance and Rose -- brittle, beautiful Rose who's coping and moving on, who's trying, trying so hard to fill the shoes of the Doctor in a Doctor-less universe. She isn't perfect and all too human. And this struggling to get by  Torchwood, this Torchwood that has Mickey, Jake and Rose roadtripping through Cardiff and London is the Torchwood I wanted to watch.

Something snapped. "Don't you get it, you thick sod? You don't get to go back. It's over. Just pick up and move on with your life. Maybe learn something about this planet, besides popular kids' songs. Your magical dragon isn't going to take you away from all this."

Ever so much more than twenty by 

Summary: All children, except one, grow up.
Another great post-Doomsday Rose, grown-up, still cherishing her memories with the Doctor but living a great life. And, also the Doctor as Peter Pan? Really works.

Roundabout by 

Absolute favorite Nine/Rose story -- through Parting of the Ways. About revolutions, change and NINE. Nine who was my first Doctor and even though I've grown to love Ten, will always be my Doctor.

"I know just where we'll go. Not Kyoto, not yet, but Okyto. Totally different place. Massive planet, gorgeous beaches, sun and sand and the most gorgeous sunsets you'll ever see, 'cause there's three of 'em at once -- so many colors you'll never be able to count. And then the stars -- you won't believe your eyes. Much better than this old place."

Rose looks intrigued -- but also, just for a minute, disappointed. "But -- we're going right away?"

He takes both of her hands, leaning close.

"Rose Tyler. You're in an old, manmade building on Earth in a city you've known about all your life. You even know the music. There's nothing new for you here. I could take you places you've never dreamed of -- why wait for it?"

Why wait? How can you wait? You don't have all the time in the world, Rose....

Worlds in Conjunction by Marylane

Summary: The Doctor makes a slight miscalculation with consequences to Rose. Lovely, heartbreaking story. Rose standing on her own in an unfamiliar world and surviving, it goes AU and refracts again into the canon in such a marvellous, heartbreaking way. I wish Doctor Who did these sort of stories because it could happen.

Most of Marylane's stories, I've decided to put into my personal Rose canon because it happened this way.

Amor Mundi by rosa_acicularis

A series. It starts with Rose running an errand and meeting Simm!Master and it goes on its own dark fairytale path.

"How bad would the thing in the dark have to be," he says, "to scare a girl like Rose Tyler?"

December Talking Meme

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