I really adore this clipping. Because it is so true*! I hereby dub Thursdays (Fridays for me) as Doppelganger Friday!
*Except that the red haired Olivia in the picture is still OurOlivia!
The Vampire Diaries: Rose / Katerina
How much do I love that both episodes had powerful female vampires as the title?
I continue to love Katherine Pierce aka Katerina Petrowa (as it is spelled in the book) and Bulgaria! Wasn't Angelus in Bulgaria? I feel like Angelus and Katherine would be an awesome and frightening vampire team up and Katherine is OLDER than Angelus! I love it!
(Although, I was really put out when Katherine killed that girl because, really, writers? )
But, most of all I feel really happy that the Salvatore brothers aren't the reason why she returned to Mystic Falls. I knew there was a reason Katherine is keeping her distance from Elena!
Katherine's backstory was fascinating! No one turned her. She turned herself! And her sire is Rose, unwilling that she is! She took matters in her own hands and killed herself to become a vampire! Katherine is the most awesome survivor ever and now I have a feeling that in the end Katherine will sacrifice herself for Elena.
The worldbuilding of the Vampire Diaries mythos continue to enchant me and I find I don't have any bones against the Originals able to walk in sunlight because they are the originals and the OLDEST. And, kind of love Elijah and his Special Vampire-ness.
Elijah isn't a European name, right?
Also, I have to ask, what do Aztecs have to do with Bulgarians? Particularly the Petrovas? What did the original Katherine/Elena do to be the lynchpin of the curse? Was she a witch?
Elena continues to be a fantastic Normal in a world populated by the supernatural. Her confrontation scene with Katherine was aces and everything I hoped it would be!
The Bonnie/Jeremy thing though is kind of still very confusing! Because I can't stop seeing him as emoJeremy. Although New Guy Warlock seems cool. Please don't make him evil!
Damon. Why do you keep threatening vampire women who are vastly older and far more superior than you are? A hundred years is nothing on a five hundred plus vampire, Damon!
Damon, why are you such a drama queen?
I kind of just zone out when you're around these days.
Also, I really love how Rose told Damon there is no such thing as an 'Off' switch. It changes everything because of that, it changes how Katherine has been operating. She has feelings. We know this because of the flashback. We know she loved her mother and would have loved her daughter but it seemed every chance she has for happiness and a life was torn away from her then added with everything she had to do to survive it makes Katherine even more fascinating.
Fringe: 6955kHz
Numbers station! Of course Fringe would tackle numbers station! That's kind of wonderful right there! The first time I heard a recording of a numbers station I was alone and it was midnight and it creeped me out!
I am very sad it seems like most of Fandom really dislike altOlivia. I kind of get it but she's still an Olivia Dunham. It's hard for me to really dislike an Olivia Dunham.
It seems to me that altOlivia's arc really seems to be the Breaking of altOlivia Dunham.
The fundamental difference alt Olivia and our Olivia other than a nice family and home life was that all alt Olivia's life she's always been sure and certain of herself. She's never had cause to doubt herself, her work or the people around her. She's always had that certainty, it was that certainty that made her so quick to tell ourOlivia 'we're nothing alike' and even quicker to saying 'yes' to a mission she didn't know might be a one way ticket.
altOlivia's life, in comparison to ourOlivia and despite the world breaking around her, was charmed.
Until this mission and the reality of the mission and the things she has to do hit her. She's realizing that the people Over Here are real and the surety she had that she could complete the mission was slowly being pared down and undermined by Newton.
Olivia: That's not really my point. If you knew that only one of our worlds could survive and if it's up to you and you alone to defend your side. You'd have no choice right? You would have to do what you have to do no matter the cost. To protect... our world.
She's trying to justify herself now and even trying to get Peter on her side, her use of the 'our world' phrase was deliberate because they aren't from the Blue Verse.
We finally see Olivia question her mission and the thing about Olivia, any Olivia, is that Olivias will do anything to complete the task at hand. The difference between altOlivia nad ourOlivia however is that (and this is I think Olivia learned during the first season) was that there was always a choice and sometimes the right choice is the harder choice but there is always a choice.
altOlivia never had to learn that lesson because in the Red Verse she lived with the surety and sense of purpose being in the altFringe Division gave her. She never had cause to question her orders and in her world The Secretary was a hero. Walter Bishop lost his son and saved the world from ending a hundred times over, why would he lie to her?
Except he did.
There is no war with the Blue Verse. Yes, Over Here fired the first shot that caused a massive chain reaction of destruction but they did so without knowing.
altOlivia didn't know but I think that's what altOlivia is starting or has realized.
I saw
spoiler pics of this episode but I didn't know which Olivia I was looking at. I was convinced the Olivia in the picture was ourOlivia but no, it turned out it was altOlivia. The writers did throw us a curve ball. Or, at least, they threw me one.
In this episode, more than any, I found altOlivia acting and being more like ourOlivia. She's gained that haunted expression in her eyes and I found it no surprise that it was immediately after deciding to take the next step with Peter that brought that in. She was already getting it when she saw the family that were killed as collateral damage and she was getting there bit by bit but I think she had a line she didn't want to cross and that was sleeping with Peter.
(I find it unfair some fans are going all: Stay away for Peter and even, in some forums, calling her a slut. Really? It seemed pretty clear to me altOlivia didn't want to sleep with Peter but Newton and even Peter seemed to be pressuring her to do just that. And, also, the slut shaming thing? NOT ON.)
I do wish that they show more of altOlivia's wonder for the BlueVerse. Especially seeing that there are no pens and papers and TREES were on the verge of extinction in the RedVerse! And, also, interaction with Ella please!
Or is altOlivia deliberately putting distance between herself and her altSister and niece because then that would severely make altOlivia waver in her mission?
Still, I'm glad Nina Sharp is still sharp as always (er, pun intended) and I love how, after spending just a few minutes talking to Olivia that she's cottoned on that there was something off about Olivia. Because she's right, when has Olivia Dunham never not forthright with Walter?
See, another signifcant difference there. Olivia has always treated Walter as an equal, infuriating and crazy but always an equal. In the Redverse altOlivia looks up to Walter so this carries over to her treatment of ourWalter. She is very much amused by this Walter because of how kooky he is. She doesn't know what ourWalter has done and is capable of. I'm sure she knows it in vague ways but I don't think she knows that it was Walter who caused the 'War'.
One thing that did come out with altOlivia being a little less assertive and present is that it allowed Astrid to shine and how. I love, love that this time it was Astrid who caught on the pattern and it was Walter who played Watson to her Holmes. It also brought home that if Astrid and Olivia worked more often they'd find she and Olivia also make a good team. The brief moment Olivia and Astrid worked together to break a code during season one and last episode with altAstrid and OurOlivia was a magnificent showcase of that.
Astrid finally getting to crack the case was just a fantastic scene! She's stepping up as Olivia's junior agent in every way!
But Peter? *shakes head* I really don't know what to do with Peter. I like that he has hope left but I would think he'd heed Walter's warnings after what happened in his home universe.
Just a short sidebar:
Walter: The human brain is a miracle. A most resilient organ, the storage unit for everything you've ever known or seen or felt. It's still in there, whether or not your conscious of that.
What Walter said about the woman's memories stuck another chord not only with what happened to Walter but with what happened to ourOlivia.
I haven't seen an episode of The Office beyond season 1, I'm very much a wuss when it comes to cringe comedy but this quote from The Office about Glee sums up exactly what I feel about it, especially after Never Been Kissed.
KELLY: That show. I mean, first they say that Mr. Schue doesn’t know anything about choreography, and then like three episodes later he’s this fantastic choreographer? Pick a lane, people! [later] And what was with Jesse’s sudden turn on Rachel between Dream On and Funk? Where the heck did that come from? Honestly, that show… it’s just - it’s irresponsible.
source PREACH.
After the last episode NBK I realize that this isn't the type of show I should be invested in emotionally 'cause its concept of character developments and continuity is wonky.
I do love the cast though. I love how they love being together and having so much fun but man, the writing sucks. There's a good story there if only the writers would, to quote Miss Kelly Kapoor, pick a damned lane!
Also, I hate to say this but I think Santana and Brittany were better off when the writers weren't paying any attention to them.
I think Kurt is the only one who has a consistent storyline and that's good to watch but there are other characters in the show too who are equally fascinating also, Kurt isn't the only one who's being bullied on the show, y'know? I'm pretty sure Rachel Berry also has it as bad as Kurt.
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