Who doesn't like a do over?

Aug 22, 2008 13:34

This is a busy week and odd week for me so I'll just post thoughts in bullet points:

* I really think I've found my zen re: Doctor Who, its simply this: The showrunners and I have differing views on certain story points. I'm grateful for the characters they gave us to play with but I think its far better for me if I made a break from the show. I have certain ideas on how to play with my characters and I think, despite how the ending turned out they did give us something to play with: Multiple universes *are* canon and the sandbox I'm choosing has a different trajectory to what was seen in canon.

That saying rose_lives has an ongoing ficathon and I'm looking forward to all the stories there.

* Handlebars by flummery, recced by vonnie_k. I'm pretty much in love with the song and the story. My first interpretation of this is: It is a perfect interpretation of Ten's flaws; and for the first few viewings I stuck with that because that's exactly all my issues with Ten laid bare. I really disliked how accepting he is of his 'godhood', of his sense of entitlement that he's the final authority. Usually I like stories like that, of a good person whose suddenly tempted with power, who slowly starts to abuse it but with Ten I have such a knee jerk reaction to disliking him. Maybe its because I don't sense that the writers planned it or even intending to follow through on it beyond a few slaps on the wrist.

But as I viewed the vid again I've slowly start to appreciate Ten's sense of whimsy and excitement and I can certainly understand how this could be one big adventure for Ten. Unfortunately I can't shake the sense that underneath the excitement is the certainty that he's so unbearably smug. On a meta level I can't even help shake off the feeling that Tennant is unbearably smug as Ten. Intellectually I know he isn't and from all the stories I hear of Tennant, he's actually quite down to Earth.

Yet I still can't shake my dislike of the character and the actor. It's another reason why I have to break up with the show. I know a lot of people like Ten and I really don't want to harsh anyone's buzz just because I'm cranky.

TV thoughts

* Eureka - I Do Over

Oh, God, I can't believe no one's talking about it. I loved Stark, I know he's a bastard but he's a magnificent bastard and I love him because of it. And I loved that Alison did really love him and that he really did love Alison, enough to sacrifice himself. I didn't expect the episode to end the way it did.

I'm sure its not permanent, this is Sci-Fi after all. But still, I'm going to miss that magnificent bastard.

* Harsh Realm - I manage to get a hold of the first four episodes of Harsh Realm, I can honestly say I don't like Tom Hobbes. How many times do they have to bludgeon on his skull that the people there are virtual representations of the actual people he knows? I don't care how much of a twu wuv he has with Sophie but kidnapping is still kidnapping. She doesn't know you in that world, idiot! Snatching her from her home and having her cut up to get the chip off is not a sign of true love!

Also, I got the sense that the reason she went with Tom in the end wasn't because she believes all your true love nonsense but because she thinks your the savior.

On the other hand Mike Pinnochio is as fantastic as advertised I also love Florence. Florence is made of awesome.

* Of course, the consequence of this is that my plot bunny for the Harsh Realm/Life crossover has become active and a little more detailed and I can tell its going to be a long and plotty one. Good news is I can see the end, bad news? It's long.

* Speaking of Sci-Fi, condolence to SGA fans, I never really got into the show but I understand how heartbreaking losing a show can be. As for Sciffy, you fail on so many levels. Now that SGA, SG-1, Battlestar and Farscape are gone how the hell can you even call yourself the SciFi channel?

* The Wire - Season 4 Episodes 1 and 2. There really is a shift in focus, which is understandable considering now that the Barksdales are gone they have to change from cops vs. Barksdales into something else. I have no opinion of this yet, they've introduced a slew of new characters but at the same time I didn't feel this introductions are slogging, they've certainly interested me unlike some other shows (looks pointedly at Heroes).

Crocceti is growing on me but not enough yet, Carver is continuing his evolution to bad cop to real police and I love seeing Jimmy so centered. He really does enjoy being just a beat cop, I love how this show foreshadowed it without my even noticing.

Another person who seems to be holding up well is Prez, he seems so earnest about teaching and excited. Although I don't know how he'll hold up in his first class because those kids are gonna be difficult to school.

Marlo's crew are playing it smart by hiding the bodies, like the popular police saying goes: 'No body, no crime' and that seems to be the case here. I also like the kid who's dedicated to boxing, I love how he stared down Marlo and seemed to earn a level of his respect. I love that Dennis is still going strong with his boxing gym.

Lester continues to be awesome and sly and Rhonda and Daniels continue to be cute. I'm looking forward to watching more but most of all I'm impressed how they manage to pack a lot in one episode.

* Life Begin Again by Barkley released an awesome Charlie-centric vid and it makes me miss the show more fiercely. The new season is just around the corner and there's going to be some changes in this new season it makes me nervous and excited at the same time.

* Speaking of Life, New York Television Festival is holding its third annual Premiere Week. Life will have its special screening on September 15, 8 PM at the New Worls Stages in Midtown Manhattan. More info here.

According to some sources NBC will gauge reaction of viewers through this special screening, hope there's a sizable crowd there to convince NBC that Life is a good show to support.

tv:the wire, news, tv, tv:life, dr who, recs

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