A brutally exhilarating film. I thought the story a bit weak before. Its strange. Rottentomatoes gives it around a 93%. The reviewers who didnt like the movie kept referring to it as sci fi. In no way is this movie sci fi. Theres no science, just fiction. Sci Fi is Ridley Scotts Alien, or 2001 A Space Odyssey. Children of Men is a dystopian thriller.
"Sci-fi fans will find the endeavor a bit underwhelming"
"Messy, unfocussed sci-fi."
These must have been reviews for some other movie, because i have no idea what sci fi movie they are talking about. Oh, and if you like writing reviews like a fool, learn how to spell unfocused.
so anyway, the movie is excellent- go see it.
oh and by the way. the less you know about the movie going in the better. trust me.