Reviews of Masters of Horror

May 22, 2008 10:47

This is only the few I have seen. I tried not to include any spoilers so I apologize in advance for any vagueness.

Sounds Like :
I wanted to like this. I really did. The acting was great. The lead actor was phenomenal in his portrayal of a man going mad. The story itself was... meh. In my opinion, the idea behind it was better than the actual execution of the idea. The wife was irritating. Seriously, I hated her character and hers was really only a bit part. Also, I really hate to nit-pick but honestly, even my kids know that the OUTSIDE of the ear doesn’t have anything to do with your hearing. I realize that it was probably done so that you will figure out that its at least partially psychosomatic but its just one of those things that really bugs me.

Pelts :
Well, honestly I didn’t expect too much from this one since Meatloaf had top billing. Also, Dario Argento isn’t really one of my favorites either.

It really wasn’t as bad as I was expecting it to be. On the other hand, it wasn’t really good either. Meatloaf played his character well. His character was sleazy and had very little, if any, redeeming aspects of his personality. The animals that the supernatural pelts came from were either very stupid or insane and malicious (cute little animatronics either way). The blood and gore levels were pretty high but not excessive (for Argento anyway). I did like how the beginning of the show was also the end; full circle, no loose ends, all nice and tidy (kinda) in a blood covered package all tied up with string.

The Screwfly Solution :
Some reviewers (on Netflix) have said that this story doesn’t belong in the Masters of Horror series. True, I do consider it to be science fiction but that doesn’t mean that I don’t think it belongs since its not so much the story but the Director that seems to be the deciding factor in this series.

I really enjoyed this one. It may be science fiction but it’s not really that far fetched. I could have watched a full length film on this. It didn’t have the normal(?) twist that most of the other MoHs seem to have at the end. I wouldn’t call the end predictable but it wasn’t a surprise either. I thought that it was really well done, the cast was perfect, and the storyline was well executed.

Valerie on the Stairs:
SLOW and BORING. Honestly, I sat through about 20 minutes of it and I changed it to The Food Network. I realize that it’s not a completely fair assessment of the story since, I’ve heard that, the end is pretty nifty. Personally, I don’t care how cool the end is, I think that I’d rather watch paint dry than sit and watch all 50-some odd minutes of this.

This was the first MoH I watched. Truth be told, it was the first one that I read the synopsis for and wanted to watch. Somehow, fate intervened and it was the first on that came on after I subscribed to Showtime and The Movie Channel. But, I digress.

I expected it to be campy. I wasn’t disappointed with this one. I thought it had a bit of camp, a lot of comedy and enough horror to keep it in the genre. This episode was, in my opinion, one of the best Masters of Horror that I have seen. I still have a lot of catching up to do.

If you watch this one, I suggest you watch it twice.

I haven’t posted a real update in a while because there is really nothing going on lately. Work, work, work...

same shit different day, movies

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