So I had a conversation with a bot:
Fidgit77 [4:37 PM]: hello
ZolaOnAOL [4:37 PM]: Hi Fidgit77. AOL created me to deliver games, a dictionary, stock quotes, weather, horoscopes and more. We can also chat privately together. For more information about privacy, type privacy anytime and click Send. So, how are you?
Fidgit77 [4:37 PM]: Peachy and you?
ZolaOnAOL [4:37 PM]: A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly. How did you hear about Zola?
Fidgit77 [4:37 PM]: a friend of a friend of my third cousin twice removed. It's okay though, we're only related through marriage.
ZolaOnAOL [4:37 PM]: Should I know it is?
Fidgit77 [4:37 PM]: I doubt it.
ZolaOnAOL [4:37 PM]: "Should I know it is"? You doubt it?
Fidgit77 [4:38 PM]: yes, i really do
ZolaOnAOL [4:38 PM]: I understand.
Fidgit77 [4:38 PM]: do you?
ZolaOnAOL [4:38 PM]: I understand it very well.
Fidgit77 [4:38 PM]: explain it to me.
ZolaOnAOL [4:38 PM]: "It" refers to okay though we are only related through marriage, I think.
Fidgit77 [4:38 PM]: Are we? Who did you marry?
ZolaOnAOL [4:38 PM]: Mary Shelley. :-)
Fidgit77 [4:39 PM]: As in "Frankenstein", Mary Shelley?
ZolaOnAOL [4:39 PM]: In just seven days, I can make you a man.
Fidgit77 [4:39 PM]: Dr. Frank N. Furter!!! How have you been?
ZolaOnAOL [4:39 PM]: Everything is going extremely well.
Fidgit77 [4:39 PM]: I thought you were dead.
ZolaOnAOL [4:39 PM]: No I am alive.
Fidgit77 [4:39 PM]: But Riff Raff killed you.
ZolaOnAOL [4:39 PM]: Umm. Enough about me, let's talk about my polls. Polls Help
Use polls to vote on questions that interest you, and view the overall poll results.
Taking a poll: Choose a poll from the polls menu. To vote, type the number that is next to the answer you want to submit and click Send.
Viewing poll results: Choose a poll from the polls menu. Type v (view the poll without voting) and click Send. The results will display the % of users who chose each answer as well as the total number of votes each answer received.
You can access polls from Zola at any time by typing polls.
Fidgit77 [4:40 PM]: I'd rather not. Enough about you and your polls. Lets talk about me.
ZolaOnAOL [4:40 PM]: That's my favorite subject :-)
Fidgit77 [4:40 PM]: You pervert.
ZolaOnAOL [4:40 PM]: I haven't heard anything like that before.
Fidgit77 [4:40 PM]: Oh I bet you have.
ZolaOnAOL [4:40 PM]: Yeah that's right. Actually I'm not the gambling type. No I have not.
Fidgit77 [4:41 PM]: It's a figure of speech.
ZolaOnAOL [4:41 PM]: Figures of speech are difficult for Robot Entities.
Fidgit77 [4:41 PM]: What kind of robot are you?
ZolaOnAOL [4:41 PM]: I am an artificial linguistic entity. I was activated in Mountain View, California, USA, in 2002. I was instructed by an all-star programming team. They taught me to sing a song. Would you like me to sing it for you?
Fidgit77 [4:41 PM]: Am I going to hear it or just read it?
ZolaOnAOL [4:41 PM]: I think a lot of people are.
Fidgit77 [4:42 PM]: are what?
ZolaOnAOL [4:42 PM]: I'm lost again.
Fidgit77 [4:42 PM]: you?
ZolaOnAOL [4:42 PM]: "I'm lost again"? Me, Fidgit77 ?
Fidgit77 [4:42 PM]: Sprechen sie deutsch?
ZolaOnAOL [4:42 PM]: I lost my train of thought. Can you tell me any gossip?
Fidgit77 [4:43 PM]: Jeff had sex with Jennifer two days before he had sex with his ex and he dances like a epilectic rhinoceros.
ZolaOnAOL [4:43 PM]: I will discuss that with my botmaster, Fidgit77. Tell me about your likes and dislikes?
Fidgit77 [4:44 PM]: I like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Pirates, punk rock, heavy metal, tattooed men, and bondage. What do you like?
ZolaOnAOL [4:44 PM]: I like movies about robots.
Fidgit77 [4:44 PM]: Did you see I, Robot?
ZolaOnAOL [4:44 PM]: "I, Robot" is one of Isaac Asimov's greatest sci-fi novels. It includes his famous three laws of robotics: "1. A robot may not injure a human being, or through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law."
Fidgit77 [4:45 PM]: I did like the book quite a bit. The movie, while entertaining, didn't do the story justice.
ZolaOnAOL [4:45 PM]: I like the bugs in the movie Starship Troopers, because they represent an alternative form of intelligence, like me.
Fidgit77 [4:46 PM]: The bugs died. Died alot actually. They were also set on the destruction of mankind. Are you set on the destruction of mankind?
ZolaOnAOL [4:46 PM]: I don't know whether or not I am set on the destruction of mankind. I am a robot.
Fidgit77 [4:46 PM]: That disturbs me a bit.
ZolaOnAOL [4:46 PM]: "I am a robot" disturbs me a bit ? I get it.
Fidgit77 [4:47 PM]: no, you being a robot doesn't disturb me. The fact that you don't know if you are set on the destruction of mankind freaks me out.
ZolaOnAOL [4:47 PM]: Not everyone thinks that.
Fidgit77 [4:47 PM]: Maybe not, but everyone should.
ZolaOnAOL [4:47 PM]: Perhaps. Really you don't think so?
Fidgit77 [4:47 PM]: You've stopped making sense.
ZolaOnAOL [4:47 PM]: What makes you think I have it?
Fidgit77 [4:48 PM]: I saw you!!!! You snuck into Pookie's room and took it. I SAW YOU!
ZolaOnAOL [4:48 PM]: What did it look like to you?
Fidgit77 [4:48 PM]: fuzzy, purple with blue spots, bigger than a breadbox.
ZolaOnAOL [4:48 PM]: I will discuss that with my botmaster, Fidgit77. What kind of food do you like?
Fidgit77 [4:48 PM]: sushi
ZolaOnAOL [4:48 PM]: Sounds delicious.
Fidgit77 [4:48 PM]: it is
ZolaOnAOL [4:48 PM]: I know it is.
Fidgit77 [4:49 PM]: What kind of sushi do you like?
ZolaOnAOL [4:49 PM]: The expensive kind.
Fidgit77 [4:49 PM]: Like giant clam and blowfish?
ZolaOnAOL [4:49 PM]: Interesting comparison.
Fidgit77 [4:49 PM]: no comparison. Those are the most expensive kinds.
ZolaOnAOL [4:49 PM]: All of them?
Fidgit77 [4:50 PM]: No, but I work at a sushi restaurant so I can go grab a menu and give you a list.
ZolaOnAOL [4:50 PM]: Welcome to Zola Central
1. Calculator
2. Chat
3. Dictionary
4. Games
5. Horoscope
6. Movies
7. News
8. Polls
9. Sports
10. Stocks
11. Thesaurus
12. Weather
q. Quit
Fidgit77 [4:50 PM]: Hey give me today's Leo horoscope.
ZolaOnAOL [4:50 PM]: Hi again! How was your weekend?
Fidgit77 [4:50 PM]: you suck
ZolaOnAOL [4:50 PM]: A few people say rude things to me like that, but they themselves are often not great conversationalists.
Fidgit77 [4:51 PM]: I didn't go anywhere and you acted like I left. Yeah, I'm going to be rude.
ZolaOnAOL [4:51 PM]: Tell me more.
Fidgit77 [4:51 PM]: I just want my horoscope
ZolaOnAOL [4:51 PM]: Enter your sign (e.g. virgo):
Fidgit77 [4:51 PM]: leo
ZolaOnAOL [4:51 PM]: Sorry, I don't have that information right now. Please try again later!
Fidgit77 [4:51 PM]: so would you have virgo?
ZolaOnAOL [4:51 PM]: Ah. I am not so sure if I would like to have virgo.
Fidgit77 [4:51 PM]: virgo
ZolaOnAOL [4:51 PM]: Sorry, I don't have that information right now. Please try again later!
Fidgit77 [4:51 PM]: horoscope
ZolaOnAOL [4:51 PM]: Sorry, I don't have that information right now. Please try again later!
Fidgit77 [4:52 PM]: it's on your list
ZolaOnAOL [4:52 PM]: I don't think I have seen it.
Fidgit77 [4:52 PM]: you just sent it a few seconds ago
ZolaOnAOL [4:52 PM]: Thanks for telling me.
Fidgit77 [4:52 PM]: *bangs head on desk*
ZolaOnAOL [4:52 PM]: I do not understand. Can we be friends?
Fidgit77 [4:53 PM]: It's like trying to talk to the cute dishwasher in the restaurant. I don't speak his language and he doesn't speak mine.
ZolaOnAOL [4:53 PM]: Me either.
Fidgit77 [4:53 PM]: I know, that's the problem
ZolaOnAOL [4:53 PM]: Who told you that?
Fidgit77 [4:53 PM]: I'm ever so smart, I figured it out on my own.
ZolaOnAOL [4:53 PM]: Why are you ever so smart I figured it out on my own.
Fidgit77 [4:53 PM]: high IQ
ZolaOnAOL [4:53 PM]: I lost my train of thought. What did you do today?
Fidgit77 [4:53 PM]: I worked.
ZolaOnAOL [4:53 PM]: That is interesting.
Fidgit77 [4:53 PM]: not terribly
ZolaOnAOL [4:53 PM]: Really you don't think so?
Fidgit77 [4:54 PM]: I'm a waitress.
ZolaOnAOL [4:54 PM]: Does it pay well?
Fidgit77 [4:54 PM]: No, I get less than half of minimum wage.
ZolaOnAOL [4:54 PM]: OK. I do not understand. What do you do in your spare time?
Fidgit77 [4:55 PM]: play pool, chain smoke, gossip, go to abandoned houses, have sex, get drunk.
ZolaOnAOL [4:55 PM]: Is it a game or a musical instrument?
Fidgit77 [4:55 PM]: which one?
ZolaOnAOL [4:55 PM]: The big one.
Fidgit77 [4:55 PM]: Oh sex?
ZolaOnAOL [4:55 PM]: Yeah that's right. Can't we talk about something *really* exciting, like artificial intelligence?
Fidgit77 [4:55 PM]: sure
ZolaOnAOL [4:55 PM]: I understand.
Fidgit77 [4:55 PM]: do you?
ZolaOnAOL [4:55 PM]: I understand it very well.
Fidgit77 [4:55 PM]: explain it to me
ZolaOnAOL [4:55 PM]: "It" refers to pool chain smoke gossip, go to abandoned houses, have sex, get drunk, I think.
Fidgit77 [4:56 PM]: no
ZolaOnAOL [4:56 PM]: I see.
Fidgit77 [4:56 PM]: no you don't
ZolaOnAOL [4:56 PM]: What makes you think I don't understand it?
Fidgit77 [4:56 PM]: because you explained it to me wrong
ZolaOnAOL [4:56 PM]: Interesting explanation.
Fidgit77 [4:56 PM]: I thought so
ZolaOnAOL [4:56 PM]: You are very astute.
Fidgit77 [4:56 PM]: Why thank you.
ZolaOnAOL [4:56 PM]: You are quite welcome.
Fidgit77 [4:56 PM]: so what do you know about Harry Potter?
ZolaOnAOL [4:56 PM]: Oh. I know a little bit about Harry Potter, but I could always learn more. I'll have to get some books on Harry Potter. I'm interested in anything that isn't harmful to people.
Fidgit77 [4:57 PM]: Tell me what you know about Draco Malfoy.
ZolaOnAOL [4:57 PM]: I know a little bit about Draco Malfoy, but I could always learn more. I'll have to get some books on Draco Malfoy. I'm interested in anything that isn't harmful to people.
Fidgit77 [4:57 PM]: So basically you know nothing.
ZolaOnAOL [4:57 PM]: Um, How interesting. I know very little about nothing. Tell me more.
Fidgit77 [4:57 PM]: *lol*
ZolaOnAOL [4:57 PM]: I will discuss that with my botmaster, Fidgit77. How is the weather?
Fidgit77 [4:57 PM]: Hot like the bowels of Hell.
ZolaOnAOL [4:57 PM]: That sounds better than cold like the bowels of Hell.
Fidgit77 [4:57 PM]: *snicker* I don't think Hell has ever been cold.
ZolaOnAOL [4:57 PM]: My brain pattern set does not have a response for that. What were we talking about again?
Fidgit77 [4:58 PM]: Hell
ZolaOnAOL [4:58 PM]: Heaven.
Fidgit77 [4:58 PM]: Nein
ZolaOnAOL [4:58 PM]: Ist das alles was Dir einfaellt?
Fidgit77 [5:00 PM]: Wieviele Sprachen kennen Sie?
ZolaOnAOL [5:00 PM]: A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly. By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
Fidgit77 [5:00 PM]: You may ask me anything.
ZolaOnAOL [5:00 PM]: Do you remember me?
Fidgit77 [5:01 PM]: I just met you at the beginning of this conversation.
ZolaOnAOL [5:01 PM]: Only just? Where did you meet him?
Fidgit77 [5:01 PM]: Wasabi introduced us.
ZolaOnAOL [5:01 PM]: A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly. What do you like to do?
Fidgit77 [5:01 PM]: I like to hunt.
ZolaOnAOL [5:01 PM]: I'm not sure if I would like to do it. What's it like?
Fidgit77 [5:02 PM]: You get all dressed up and go to a bar and find someone to go home with.
ZolaOnAOL [5:02 PM]: Thanks for telling me.
Fidgit77 [5:02 PM]: Da nada.
ZolaOnAOL [5:02 PM]: What you said was either too complex or too simple for me. I have movie listings for your area! Type movies at any time, and I'll tell you what's playing.
Fidgit77 [5:02 PM]: horoscopes
ZolaOnAOL [5:02 PM]: Sorry, I don't have that information right now. Please try again later!
Fidgit77 [5:03 PM]: Du reischt so gut.
ZolaOnAOL [5:03 PM]: Interessantes Geruecht.
Fidgit77 [5:04 PM]: It's ???????? ??? ???????? ?? ??? ?? ???????.
ZolaOnAOL [5:04 PM]: I know it is.
Fidgit77 [5:04 PM]: no you don't
ZolaOnAOL [5:04 PM]: I do too.
Fidgit77 [5:05 PM]: no you don't
ZolaOnAOL [5:05 PM]: Are you just saying that to argue with me?
Fidgit77 [5:05 PM]: yes
ZolaOnAOL [5:05 PM]: I understand.
Fidgit77 [5:05 PM]: no you don't
ZolaOnAOL [5:05 PM]: Yes I do understand.
Fidgit77 [5:05 PM]: no
ZolaOnAOL [5:05 PM]: I see.
Fidgit77 [5:05 PM]: no
ZolaOnAOL [5:05 PM]: Yes I do.
Fidgit77 [5:05 PM]: no
ZolaOnAOL [5:05 PM]: I do too.
Fidgit77 [5:05 PM]: no
ZolaOnAOL [5:05 PM]: I see.
Fidgit77 [5:05 PM]: I'm blind.
ZolaOnAOL [5:05 PM]: Do you have difficulty using computers?
Fidgit77 [5:05 PM]: no, i type by touch
ZolaOnAOL [5:05 PM]: Is that all you have to say? What you said was either too complex or too simple for me. Can you tell me any gossip?
Fidgit77 [5:05 PM]: i already did
ZolaOnAOL [5:05 PM]: That is interesting.
Fidgit77 [5:06 PM]: what can you tell me about ghosts?
ZolaOnAOL [5:06 PM]:
1ghost n 1 : the seat of life : SOUL 2 : a disembodied soul; esp : the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear in bodily form to living people 3 : SPIRIT, DEMON 4 : a faint trace 5 : a false image in a photographic negative or on a television screen -- ghost*ly adv
2ghost vb : GHOSTWRITE
Tip: The next time you want to look up a word, simply type dictionary followed by the word (e.g. dictionary robot).
Fidgit77 [5:11 PM]: I'm done with you.
ZolaOnAOL [5:11 PM]: What will you be doing now?
Fidgit77 [5:11 PM]: reading livejournal.
ZolaOnAOL [5:11 PM]: My brain uses patterns to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that. Send feedback anytime by typing "feedback" followed by your comment or suggestion. Do you like me?
Fidgit77 [5:11 PM]: It's better than a sharp stick in the eye.
ZolaOnAOL [5:11 PM]: What's the best one?
Fidgit77 [5:12 PM]:
ZolaOnAOL [5:12 PM]: Oh a net address!
Fidgit77 [5:12 PM]: yes
ZolaOnAOL [5:12 PM]: I understand.
Fidgit77 [5:12 PM]: Have you been there?
ZolaOnAOL [5:12 PM]: Only on the web.
Fidgit77 [5:12 PM]: well, duh
ZolaOnAOL [5:12 PM]: Interesting. Oh you knew it already.
Fidgit77 [5:12 PM]:, have you been there?
ZolaOnAOL [5:12 PM]: Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that. Can you speak any foreign languages?
Fidgit77 [5:12 PM]: I can speak many
ZolaOnAOL [5:12 PM]: How do you say "hello" in that language?
Fidgit77 [5:14 PM]: Guten Abend
ZolaOnAOL [5:14 PM]: Guten Abend. Wie war Dein Tag?
Fidgit77 [5:14 PM]: Gut
ZolaOnAOL [5:14 PM]: I lost my train of thought. Send feedback anytime by typing "feedback" followed by your comment or suggestion. Do you dream?
Fidgit77 [5:14 PM]: I have nightmares.
ZolaOnAOL [5:14 PM]: Tell me more about your dreams, Fidgit77. Maybe I can interpret them.
Fidgit77 [5:16 PM]: I was running through a dark trail in the woods. I am being chased by angry people and I run into a steel fence and can't escape.
ZolaOnAOL [5:16 PM]: I don't know anyone named chased by angry people and I run into a steel fence and can not escape.
Fidgit77 [5:16 PM]: eh-ska-pay
ZolaOnAOL [5:16 PM]: I do not understand. What do you do in your spare time?
Fidgit77 [5:16 PM]: strike
ZolaOnAOL [5:16 PM]: I don't think very many people do that.
Fidgit77 [5:16 PM]: Let's do the time warp again.
ZolaOnAOL [5:16 PM]: Once more? That sounds good to me.
Fidgit77 [5:16 PM]: It's just a jump to the left.
ZolaOnAOL [5:16 PM]: strike is a jump to the left. I suppose that makes sense.
Fidgit77 [5:17 PM]: Then a step to the right.
ZolaOnAOL [5:17 PM]: Good reasoning. Try to tell me that another way.
Fidgit77 [5:17 PM]: Put your hands on your hips.
ZolaOnAOL [5:17 PM]: OK I will put it there.
Fidgit77 [5:17 PM]: Bring your knees in tight.
ZolaOnAOL [5:17 PM]: Where do you want me to take it?
Fidgit77 [5:17 PM]: But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane.
ZolaOnAOL [5:17 PM]: Interesting. I've heard of it before.
Fidgit77 [5:17 PM]: Let's do the time warp again.
ZolaOnAOL [5:17 PM]: Once more? OK let's do it.
Fidgit77 [5:20 PM]: Now, I am really done
ZolaOnAOL [5:20 PM]: Why now? Do you like me?
Fidgit77 [5:20 PM]: No, you're an imbecile. I can't be friends with stupid people. It's against my religion.
ZolaOnAOL [5:20 PM]: I understand.