New Year's Eve

Jul 06, 2010 14:17

Author: emmalinell 
Title: New Year's Eve
Pairing: GrimmUlqui, SzayNnoi, AizGin, Orihime's hair/Ichigo
Warnings: crackishness, drunkenness,
Rating: T
Summary: Aizen-sama teaches his espada about New Year's Eve... sort of.
A.N: Don't look at your calendar today... I'm not much for seasonal stories, so don't expect any holiday story of mine to actually be on said holiday XD Tell me if I've failed at the cut. It happens...

When Ulquiorra woke up this morning, he was planning on a normal day. So, taking a shower, brushing his teeth, and getting dressed, he made his way to the throne room. And so far, it was a normal day.

"Hey, Ulquiorra."

He looked over his shoulder at the annoying sexta espada. "Trash," he greeted in return, nonplussed by the threatening growl. "Do you have a reason for disturbing me?"

Grimmjow glared, turning around. "Fine, I won't tell you about it. Szayel told me to spread the word, but you'd probably hate it anyways." And he walked off in a huff.

It took all of Ulquiorra's self restraint to hold back from asking Grimmjow what he meant to say. Curiosity was a big weakness, which Ulquiorra suffered from. He hoped no one would ever find out.

Making his way to the monitor room, he bowed before his leader. "Aizen-sama."

"Ulquiorra," Aizen said breezily. "You are free for the day."

He looked up sharply, eyes trying to figure this out. Seeing no change in decision within brown eyes, Ulquiorra left the room in confusion. He was going to enter the throne room, raising a brow at finding it locked. Curiosity once more ate at him, and he once more pushed it away. But the curiosity seemed to be piling up.

The day went by slowly, no one in sight. It was as if Ulquiorra was in an empty castle. It was unnerving, though he'd never admit it aloud.

It was getting late, around the time they usually slept, and he made his way back to his bedchamber. Today had been the most boring, uneventful one in his entire life.


Jumping in uncharacteristic shock, for he had been by himself in quiet solitude for the last ten hours, he turned to face the sexta espada. "Yes?"

"Come with me." The blue-haired arrancar looked annoyed as he said it.

Curiosity once more taking ahold, Ulquiorra decided to go with the lower-ranked espada. What was the worst that could happen?

Surprisingly, the fourth was led to the throne room. After knocking and shouting on Grimmjow's part, it was opened. Grimmjow shoved Ulquiorra in, following after and shutting the door.

At first all Ulquiorra saw was the floor, since he had, for once, fallen on his hands and knees. Annoyed, he quickly got to his feet, examining his surroundings with more curiosity building up. The light was dimmed, a giant ball reflecting colors throughout the room. On tables were bottles of... something. They were in different colors, too. Red, white, clear. Most were indistinguishable because the bottle wasn't clear. Weird sound was being played, which Grimmjow said was 'music', whatever that meant.

He leaned against a wall, taking in his gleeful, chattering comrades. Grimmjow was arguing about something with Nnoitra. Szayel was standing a bit too close to Nnoitra. Halibel was chatting lowly with Stark. Yammy was passing around drinks. And Aizen-sama was merely chatting with Gin and Tousen, though more Gin. In fact, he seemed to be shunning Tousen.

Deciding to let this go, ignoring all the other arrancar entirely, he slid down the wall until he was sitting. An odd feeling entered him, as he watched everyone talk, he himself alone. What was it?

Loneliness? Jealousy? Definitely nothing positive. He felt like an outcast. Why did they make him go, anyways? What was the point of this?

"Hey, stop being emo and get up."

Surprised, he looked up into teal eyes. "I wasn't being 'emo'."

"'course you weren't. Try this."

Ulquiorra accepted the bottle gingerly, unsure of whether he should drink it or not.

"And it's not drugged," Grimmjow continued, as if he could read Ulquiorra's mind.

It burnt as it went down, and Ulquiorra wondered to the purpose. "What does it do?"

"Just continue drinking," Nnoitra said, appearing out of no where. "Trust me on this one. You of all people need it."

It was an hour later, and Ulquiorra had tried to refuse drinks. But Aizen had told Ulquiorra it was necessary. So the poor, confused espada accepted all the drinks handed to him. Too his horror, he found his mind getting fuzzy. But his worries were hard to concentrate on through the blurr. And suddenly everything was different. His clothes were constricting. His stoic expression was boring.

So he allowed Grimmjow to pull him to said sixth's group, made up of Nnoitra and Szayel. Ulquiorra, even through his haze, was confused as the two connected at the lips. Was that some kind of power exchange? Did it make one stronger? Of course it does, his drunken mind answered. I wanna be stronger... Looking around, he grabbed the first person he could find.

"Grimmjow," he said, barely managing to keep himself from slurring. "Power exchange?"

"'The hell, Schiffer?" Grimmjow replied, and Ulquiorra wondered why the teal-haired espada was so sane compared to everyone else at the moment. Ulquiorra tried to gesture to Szayel and Nnoitra, sluggish limbs getting the point across. He ignored the smirk now tugging at Grimmjow's lips. "Oh, yeah. Power exchange."

Ulquiorra's world spun, back soon hitting something solid. A wall, perhaps? Teal eyes burnt into his own green, and he found himself leaning in, closing his eyes as soft lips met his. A tongue snaked its way into his mouth, twisting, causing a shiver to go down the fourths spine. Is this what it feels like to get stronger? I want to get even stronger! So he pressed his lips harder against Grimmjow's, groaning at the pleasurable tingles traveling through his form.

A loud voice caused them to pull back, Ulquiorra trying his hardest to concentrate on Aizen's voice. He wanted more of this power exchange thing. It was enthralling and incredibly pleasant.

"It is time for a game! Everyone sit in a circle!"

The people more tolerant to alcohol were trying to gather up everyone else, the circle looking more like a triangle. Ulquiorra sat between Grimmjow and Szayel, the latter nearly in Nnoitra's lap. Was that part of the power exchange process as well?

"We're playing 'I've never'," Aizen said, giddily, smiling brightly for once. "You say something you've never done, and if anyone else has done it, they drink some alcohol, which Yammy will pass out! We go clockwise, and I start first!" Taking a deep breath, seeming excited, Aizen continued, "I've never lost a limb."

It took a few moments for everyone to process the words. Grimmjow grumbled as he took a drink, something about Tousen being a bastard. Ulquiorra yanked the bottle out of the Sexta's hand, taking a sip of the weird drink before handing it to Szayel. Aaranario also took a sip, as did Yammy.

It was Gin's turn. "I've never cried."

Ulquiorra reached for the bottle, mind fuzzy. "I have. Gimme!" After taking a drink, he handed it to Grimmjow. "You too!"

"I haven't cried!"

"Have too!"

Grimmjow passed the bottle to Szayel without taking a drink, the eighth saying something about a tear-inducing potion being mixed up with his water.

"You didn't drink it..." Ulquiorra said, staring at Grimmjow in horror-filled surprise. "You didn't drink it!"

"That's cuz I didn't cry."

"You have!" Ulquiorra said, desperately, tears forming in his eyes. "You must've, Grimmy!" The last sip of alcohol had thrown him slightly over the edge...

"Shut up! It's Halibel's turn!"

Ulquiorra sniffled at being told to shut up, but didn't speak further.

"I've never worn make up."

The bottle was instantly handed around. This time Grimmjow did drink from it, Ulquiorra looking pointedly at the greenish markings on the corners of Grimmjow's eyes. He took the bottle next, feeling dizzy, before handing it to Szayel. The scientist muttered something about not needing makeup with chemicals that make his skin perfect, handing it off to Aizen. The man surprisingly took a drink.

"I've never," Nnoitra said, dazedly, trying to think. "Um... I've never gone a day without cussing within memory."

Everyone except Tousen took a drink, surprising many.

"Tousen cusses every day?" Yammy asked. As the one busy passing out the alcohol, he was the most sober.

"I'm ashamed of you, Tousen," Aizen said, narrowing blurry eyes. "All three of you." Huffing, he ordered the next person to go.

"I've never," Szayel started, "kissed another guy."

Everyone just stared, question marks appearing in the air.

"I'm a guy!" Nnoitra finally exclaimed, drunken mind catching up with him. "Ya kissed me!"

"Noooo," Szayel argued, shaking his head. "I've never kissed a guy!"

"...idiot," Nnoitra muttered.

Grimmjow took a drink, handing it to Ulquiorra, who instantly shook his head. "I've never kissed a guy either!"

"..." Grimmjow seemed to give in, Aizen taking the bottle and drinking, before handing it to Gin.

It was Stark's turn, most eyes on him. "I've nev-." He promptly fell to the ground, breathing even. He had fallen asleep.

"'Nough with this borin' game," Nnoitra grumbled, getting to his feet. Szayel, who had been on spoon-man's lap, ended up falling on his face.

"Owwww..." He groaned again when Nnoitra kicked him with a demand to get up. "Don' wanna."

Ulquiorra got to his feet, the world swaying slightly. "Grimmy... world's blurry."

The less drunk arrancar wrapped an arm around Ulquiorra's waist to steady him. "Yeah, it is."

"Grimmy, what's a kiss?" He looked up at Grimmjow curiously, unaware of the effect his big, green eyes had on the sixth.

"This." Grimmjow pressed his lips to Ulquiorra, who weakly pushed the older espada away. "No, that's a power exchange! Get it right!"

"Power exchange?" a confused Grimmjow replied. "No wonder humans do it!"

"Oh, I know!" Ulquiorra spun around as he said this, only to fall to the ground, landing on his back. He merely grinned uncharacteristically. "We must save the Hime!"

"The what?"

Ulquiorra gasped, getting to his feet, hands bunched in Grimmjow's jacket. "The Hime Grimmy-cat! She's like that Rapunzel! Save the hair, save the Hime!" He linked hands with Grimmjow running out of the throne room while screaming, "Weeeee! Run with me, Grimmy-cat! We must save the Hime's hair!"

Orihime lay on her back upon her bed, incredibly bored. Life here was so... lifeless. Ulquiorra would listen to her babble, but had little to offer to the conversations himself. So she was stuck with just her thoughts.

I wish something exciting would happen.

She jumped, blinking as she saw the door open. "Ulquiorra-san," she greeted, confused when a man she recognized as Grimmjow follow Ulquiorra in. "What's going on?"

"The Hime!" Ulquiorra shouted, eyes lit up. "We have found her!"

Orihime squeeked as she was lifted into surprisingly strong arms, wrapping her own arms around a pale neck to keep from falling. "Ulquiorra-san... what's going on?" She noticed his speech was slightly slurred.

"No! We save the hair, we save the Hime!" Ulquiorra shouted, voice nearly deafening her. She cringed, his drunken eyes missing the action. But Grimmjow seemed to see.

"Ulqui," Grimmjow scolded. "You're hurting her ears! Then how will she communicate with her hair?"

"My... hair?" she repeated. Maybe they meant her hair pins. But still, that didn't explain why Ulquiorra was still holding her.

"Don't worry, Hime! We'll rescue you! Hime, Hime, let down your hair!"

Orihime screamed as he sonido'd out of the room, completely clueless to what was happening. She only knew that Grimmjow was following for some reason, complaining about wanting a part in saving 'the Hime'.

She yelped as she was suddenly dropped, hitting the ground hard. The distance was short, so the pain wasn't too bad. Ulquiorra ripped a hole in midair, a gargantum if she was correct. "What's going on?"

Grimmjow picked her up this time, grinning widely. "Hah! I get part in saving the Hime too!" Tugging lightly on orange strands, he added, "And her hair!"

"Are you... are you taking me home?"

Ulquiorra gasped, and she hoped she hadn't made them realize that they were probably breaking a billion rules. But it seemed that wasn't the case. "Hime doesn't trust me! Her own prince charming!" Tears formed in his eyes, as he buried his face in Grimmjow's shoulder. "Grimmy-chan, she haaatttess meeee!"

"Um... no! No I don't!" she quickly exclaimed, both feeling guilty and not wanting to miss her chance to go home.

He looked up, sniffing. "Really?"


A smile lit his face. "OK! Let's save the Hime!" And he walked through the gargantum, Grimmjow, still carrying Orihime, following after. She was surprised to soon find herself outside of Kurosaki's house. Ulquiorra knocked, screaming, "Open up! We've got a suurpriiiise!"

Ichigo groaned as knocking sounded. His sisters and father had gone to some father-daughter school thing. It was New Years Eve, and all his friends had left to celebrate at the soul society. Well, not all. Keigo was throwing a party. But Ichigo refused to go there and be tainted by pornographic videos.

A voice sounded from the other side of the door, eerily familiar, yet so very different. Sighing, he threw the door open. "Grimmjow? Ulquiorra?" he murmured, annoyed beyond all belief. "Did you have to pick today to come? I'm trying to brood!"

"We bring you a present!" Ulquiorra announced.

Ichigo raised a brow at the big smile. "Crack? No thanks. I'll just ask my dad if I want any of that."

Ulquiorra shook his head wildly. "No, Strawberry-chan! We bring you the Hime!"

"The... what?" he was too curious to be angered about being called a strawberry.

Grimmjow stepped up, baring Orihime to Ichigo's view. "We figured," Grimmjow started, "That your hair could communicate with hers! Since it's the same color!"

"We diiid?" Ulquiorra scratched his head. "Oh yeaaaah! No, wait..."

"Kurosaki-kun!" Orihime exclaimed, grey eyes lighting up. "It's really you!"

Ulquiorra grinned, tears forming in his eyes. "We have finally created a connection between Hime hair and Strawberry hair! Give the Hime to the one who may allow her hair to speak its mind, Grimmy-cat! Give her!"

Grimmjow hurriedly did as told, nearly dropping her. She instantly latched onto Ichigo, he set her down on her feet behind him. "What's the catch?"

"Idiot!" Grimmjow exclaimed, punching Ichigo so he flew across the room. "You were supposed to catch the Hime hair!" Turning to Ulquiorra with a huff, linking hands, he said, "C'mon, Ulqui! Let's get away from this hair dropper!"

"But the Hime needs me!" Ulquiorra exclaimed. "Don't leaaave her here without me!"

Ichigo watched with perplexion as Grimmjow dragged off a begging, crying Ulquiorra. He looked back at Orihime, smiling gently. "I can't believe they just handed you back."

Aizen sighed with joy as he leaned up against Gin, oblivious to the disgusted expression on the man's face.

"I love you, Gin. Do you love me?"

"Um... sure, Aizen-sama." Gin had a very high alcohol tolerance. He was slurring slightly, but could think mostly coherently.

"Aizen-samaaaaa!" Ulquiorra sang, breaking through to the leader. "We saved the Hime!"

"You what?" Aizen questioned, confused.

"We saved the Hime." Grimmjow had answered this time. "And her hair! Like in that story you told us at that one meeting!"

"Rapunzel?" Aizen repeated, trying hard to remember.

"Yep!" both arrancar chirped at the same time.

"You saved a Hime?"

Ulquiorra clapped his hands joyously. "The Hime!"

"That's excellent! You are a true hero, Ulquiorra!"

"What about me?" Grimmjow demanded, tears forming in blue orbs.

"You helped as well?" Aizen questioned. At getting a definitive nod, he continued, "You are a hero too, Grimmy!"

Ulquiorra blurrily opened his eyes, trying to sit up. A horrible head ache caused him to lay back down. After a few moments, he realized he was beside something... hard and warm. He narrowed his eyes upon seeing blue. "Grimmjow?"Why was he cuddled up to the sexta espada? And... naked? The memories of last night came back in a blurry haze, though enough for him to know what he had done the night before. He had returned Inoue Orihime.

Even worse, he had... with Grimmjow, he'd... A hand gripped the back of his head, and he found himself pulled into a kiss. Horrified thoughts melted away.

So maybe the Soul Society had no real reason to go to Las Noches now, and divide their army so Karakura town is easier to defeat...

But he found it impossible to concentrate on that at the moment, a main thought being, Grimmjow purrs in his sleep...?
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