Fancomic: Arrancar's Kindergarten - The Wrath

May 05, 2010 21:25


I bring a new chapter from my Arrancar's Kindergarten series. I apologize for my very very belated update >_<, maybe you don't even remember about these fancomics T____T
It's not necessary to have read the previous chapters.

Title: Chapter 5 - The Wrath
Author: ak_bennington 
Characters: Ulquiorra, Grimmjow
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for The Lust arc
Notes: Slight UlquiHime implied like always ^^

IMPORTANT: I haven't managed to make the picture look bigger >_<, maybe it will be better if you save the picture and look at it with zoom.

I hope you like it ^^

Arrancar's Kindergarten Chapter 5 - The Wrath

Previous chapters are HERE

Crossposted everywhere, sorry for the spam >_
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