Aug 19, 2005 01:21
Earlier this eve I was at the pub, enjoying my Guinness and the music, when several emotions ran through me. Before you say anything about my drinking habits, I only had two Guinness (Guinni if you will…) the entire night. The Leperkhanz were playing and were awesome as usual, but standing there I couldn’t help but recognize the feelings. I thought I’d share them seeing as I’m in an upbeat mood (brace yourself for randomness):
Never dodge the opportunity to meet new people, even though you may never see them again…I don’t even know the guy’s name, but just socializing with him was a good time.
Truly good music can move a person to tears, as is the case with the Leperkhanz’ “Neen” and “Spencil Hill”…
At times, emotionally, I may seem like a statue, but if you hit me hard enough, I’ll break.
A broken heart still bleeds…
When someone lets go of a dream, a small part of them dies…
I can’t abide uselessness…more so…I can’t abide wasted potential.
Pleasure and Pain, much like alcohol, can be enjoyed straight or mixed…and much like sex…it’s all about the experience.
Lastly, when all is said and done...and the gods and powers-that-be gather for my judgment…and Life asks me “Why?” I’ll say, “Because I could…”
If any one of the above ponderings strikes you as prolific (or perhaps bullshit)…please comment…I hurried home as quick as possible to write them all down, but I think I may have lost the essence of my thoughts