(no subject)

May 10, 2010 18:01


The GrimmNel challenge is a year long event in which participants take on the challenge of completing 15 fanworks that revolve around this couple.

☆ Who? ☆

Anyone can take part, as long as the main focus of the fanwork is GrimmNel.

☆ What? ☆

The challenge revolves around four different categories:

♥ Fanfiction: 15k words to be written.
♥ Fan art: 15 fanarts to be drawn.
♥ Fan videos: 15 AMVs/MMVs to be created.
♥ Graphics: 15 icons and/or banners to be made.

☆ When? ☆

The deadline is 11:59pm on Friday the 31st of December. I will make allowances for different timezones, so wherever it is that you are, as long as you submit before that time, it all counts towards the challenge.

☆ Where? ☆

All submissions can either be made here, where they will be added to the Master List and displayed as often as possible.

☆ Why? ☆

The challenge is to promote more fanworks of this couple, and if that's not enough incentive, than how about a brand spanking new banner by Eloni once you complete a category of the challenge? (If you haven't seen her works, simply go to her graphics comm timelessengage and have a look at her work.)

☆ How? ☆

If there are any other questions/comments/concerns/suggestions regarding this challenge, please feel free to contact myself, either on PM or by simply posting here.

Having said that, best of luck to all who are willing to participate! I look forward to all the lovely entries.


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