New fic for the "A Thousand Suns" series

Dec 24, 2011 20:58

I got hit with the writing bug this week, I really did! ::laughs:: Today I decided to expand my series "A Thousand Suns," which I recently moved to thousandsunsfic. I believe I posted the other nine stories I had written for it before, but there are ten new ones at the community. I would recommend reading all of them, because most fics (except I believe the Ishida/Orihime one) reference at least one other fic (for example, "One Step Closer" and "Danse Macabre," posted here, take place one after the other in the same afternoon and "Danse Macabre" doesn't make as much sense without reading "One Step Closer" first).

The entire series went AU around chapter 436, though I am borrowing certain elements that came up in later chapters (mostly regarding Ginjou’s role in everything) and tweaking them to fit my AU. To recap for those who don't know it: the first six fics deal with Ichigo and his friends, and Ichigo getting his powers back while his sister takes over shinigami duties. "Run Devil Run" brings back Nelliel and some of the shinigami as a new threat approaches Karakura Town, and the rest of the series deals with the friendships and relationships of everyone in town, including the aforementioned Ishida/Orihime, Hitsugaya/Karin, Hisagi/Nanao and a love triangle between Renji, Tatsuki and Grimmjow (and later Nelliel gets involved in it).

There were two stories with Grimmjow/Nelliel as the focus, but I left the link to "One Step Closer" because "Danse Macabre" for the reasons above, even though it leans towards Grimmjow/Tatsuki (it makes sense in context).

Title: One Step Closer
Pairing: One-sided Renji/Tatsuki, past Renji/Rukia and current Renji & Rukia friendship; observations of one-sided Grimmjow/Tatsuki as well.
Rating: PG
Summary: He just wants a shot, that’s all.

Title: Danse Macabre
Pairing: Grimmjow & Nelliel (note: it is very antagonistic and not shippy at all)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings (if applicable): Language and strangulation used as an intimidation tactic.
Summary: He was not going to be her bitch.

Title: Swing
Author: Ragna (afteriwake)
Pairing: Grimmjow/Nelliel
Rating: PG
Warnings (if applicable): Little bit of language
Summary: It was time for him to choose a side.
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