Threadhopping with this character.
Yes, in moderation. The usual rule of "If it looks private, please leave it be" applies here, with some additional stipulations. Grimmjow has this...thing...about being interrupted. He doesn't like it much. And when Grimmjow doesn't like something, the fuse on his temper gets shorter.
So a fair warning to characters is to not interrupt him that often, or at least don't be annoying about it.
Backtagging with this character.
Always and ever! I am something of a slow tagger these days, especially for logs, so backlogging is a must for me. Sometimes I'll miss a day of rping, or be gone a week; that's just how it goes for me. HOW DIFFERENT FROM THE DAYS OF MY YOUTH but alas, that's just how it is.
So! The way I see it, better to finish a thread late than never.
Back-dating entries with this character.
Yes, for the same reasons as above. I try to be as flexible as possible when dating things and of course it's never fun to miss out on a good plot.
Hugging/kissing/other sort of intimate actions with this character?
I love this sort of thing!
Grimmjow does not.
He of the short temper has various stages of "Do Not Touch" - most of the time he'll tolerate the first offense without killing or maiming anyone. The second time is pushing it. The third will most likely result in people getting hurt. That isn't to say that he can't come to grudgingly accept the presence of other people, but that's something that needs to be developed over time.
Punching or causing some other form of physical harm to this character?
...well I mean, I adore fight scenes, but Grimmjow is a tough nut to crack, even while injured. And he will almost always punch back, which typically results in near-fatal injuries or Instant Death. He loves, loves, loves a good fight, but it definitely needs to be planned out beforehand if things get serious because he has no problem whatsoever with tearing people up. If a thread or a log are heading the way of violence, I will contact you as soon as I think it's an issue so that we can discuss and avoid any corpses!
Is there anything that should not be mentioned near this character?
There aren't any specific taboo subjects, but a general rule of Be Careful When You Do: being insulting, disdainful, or dismissive is a huge Red Button for him. HUGE. So while I don't expect characters to not comment on how he's an asshole, crazy, evil, etc., just be careful when doing so.
Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character (i.e. special physical features or abilities)?
Physical characteristics of note: the chunk of bone on his face is not decoration. It's part of his body, a remnant of his Hollow mask, so it does not come off. He also has a hole in his abdomen, very clean and perfectly shaped. You can look right through him! :D This is his Hollow hole, a representation of the heart he lost during his transformation from a human soul into a Hollow. There's a big ol' scar running down the middle of his chest and a splotch of a scar on his back, just above and to the right of his Hollow hole; both are oddities when most of the rest of him is scar free.
Aaaaaand he only has one arm; his left arm was cut off at the shoulder, so nary a stump remains. It's still healing, so, thanks to the generous efforts of Dr. Resarci, he has a set of bandages (currently) wrapped around his torso.
Anything else that was not mentioned above?
So, he's a Hollow. An Arrancar, specifically, which is a Hollow that has (mainly) removed his mask and gained shinigami-like powers. A full overview of both of these things can be viewed here and here, but the general idea is he is not human, does not think like a human, and won't act like a human. He sleeps, but doesn't appear to eat (food, that is) and possesses a wealth of preternatural powers that are good for making big messy holes in things.
He also eats souls. Now, canon likes to be hazy on just when/how Arrancar eat souls, or if they do at all. For the time being this necessity of Grimmjow's will be put on the back burner, with his body's preoccupation for healing itself taking precedence over his hunger.
Lastly, he swears a lot. As per usual censorship progression, his cursing gets less severe as it travels along media: original manga saw the liberal use of fuck, Japanese dub of the anime saw the liberal use of shit, and (presumably) the English dub saw no cussing at all. However, I tend to ascribe to the manga school of character voice, so he WILL be cursing a lot. If copious dirty words bother you, please let me know! I'll turn it down when he's around your character.