Toughts; care to read such nonsense? :]

Apr 11, 2009 01:39

Mmhm! Today has been full of surprises o: ok that's not true... it has been a pretty normal-boring day, to be quite honest. Like always, I woke up, went downstairs to see what's up with my family, ate breakfast and then... turn on the computer, and first thing I do, check like every damn friday. x'D! Hahaha, I am so predictable... I am also so in fangirl mode... I am so in love with Bleach chapter 353 (hey! I said it, I am so predictable. xP) I just loved it and hated it ._.

I am not really going to talk about that chapter or make a rant of it or something, I am not that good with that, so no need to beware of heavy-spoilers. xD
I am just gonna say, it was pretty sad and almost tearful, though I am not that sensitive it did make me feel sad/weird o_o
But well, I just made this icon representing this chapter, I was gonna do an Ulquiorra one but Ichigo in that panel was just so irresistible. xD And also, I bet everyone will be focusing on the UlquiHime (which is also good. 8D) I thought I'd give some love to Ichi. ♥♥♥

It is an attempt of coloring from me... I tried coloring the whole image in big but oh man what a pain, I failed in less than half way, so I just decided to do the small icon x'D the result was good in my opinion, though it is pretty simple, feel free to use it if you actually like it, I might do more in the following days but first I need to do some layouts I have to do, that's why I just did this.

I haven't been much on the Bleach fandom lately, to be honest, the fansub from where I downloaded the anime stopped making releases last year and I didn't take the time to keep with the series in another way. Same with Naruto, I just kept reading the manga, but with Bleach not even that, actually I didn't use to read it, it wasn't until this year started that I was looking at some old episodes I have and the nostalgic vein hunted me so I decided to at least read the manga, and oh I loved reading it from start to end, though the anime is pretty accurate I know, I enjoyed looking at the fights and all that again. xD And like when I started to see Bleach three years ago (or more I don't really remember xP) I fell in love with all my lovely favourite characters, once again. ♥ Lol, maybe I am ridiculous but I really can get attached to series/characters I really like... and it makes me sad (disappointed) when I see so much hate towards some of those characters o_o I did know there was quite a lot of hate for Orihime, that's understandable? Even though I like her. xD But to Ulquiorra? rofl, I thought he was the kind everyone would like, though I didn't pay much attention to him when he first appeared, while reading the manga, I learnt how to appreciate him and quickly got attached to him, is impossible not to love such a guy. x 'D I don't know in here, but where I read those hate posts they were really mean towards him. D':
But whatever, hated, loved or who knows, from my part I love him, he's my 2nd favourite arrancar. ;o I also like UlquiHime, yes I admit it, and I can be pretty fangirl, so what if there wasn't anything between them in the series? For that, my friends, is the fandom :'D Though it DID impress me what happened in this chapter, seriously, I never imagined something like that would have happened... haha, Kubo, you can really be impressive. xD

Now I wonder what's next... I can't wait. :D /endfangirlthoughts
Ok, that's it for now~ I have to sleep, it is 4 am in here already. D: Tee hee, I am such a bat x 'D lol thanks to those who read, if there is people who read this... >.> Leave comments! I love them. xD

bleach: manga, fangirlism

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