While perusing my usual boards and whatnot, I came to a particular "editorial cartoons of 2007" and in the thread found this:
And got really, really angry.
Mind you: NOT because I think we need to stay the course, or listen to a person who in my personal opinion doesn't know his ass from his elbow.
No. I was livid because I look at that picture, and see how true it is.
Now, we all have friends, or people we know in the military. And you know? In all honesty, I couldn't be more proud of them. Not proud because they're getting shuffled over only to come back in boxes. Not because they think they're fighting for 'all the right reasons'. But they're fighting because its -what- they do. They defend us.
Ask me what I think of the Government? You'll get expletive after expletive.
Any soldier who ever reads this post? Thank you. Thank you for putting your life on the line. Thank you for saying goodbye to your wife, husband or children and going to a place where you shouldn't even be to go fight a war that you shouldn't have to fight.
To my friends who are in the military? I love you guys. Very, very much. I get scared that you'll be going over soon, but I don't want you to think for one minute that we don't appreciate what you're doing. Regardless of whether or not its the right reasons, we love you all very much; and want to thank you for the fact of defending us, despite the fact that our government has abandoned you.
I just wish I knew what to do to help, other than give those guys/girls I know a hug when I see them.
But to the Government? You made the mess. Go fix it.