Okay then...
Now I feel extremely bad because of the result ^^" I feel like I took something away from my users and didn't expect that result at all... but either way, I'm grateful for everyone that voted in this round and so I was able to crown the winners, and hey: Almost on time this time, huh? XD
1st place - with 21 points - well... me, even though I didn't expect it... but again: Thanks to EVERYONE who gave me their vote... I'm really touched!
2nd place - with 11 points each one -
crazycordy &
entwashian 3rd place - with 9 points -
crazycordy Best use of color - with 3 mentions -
entwashian Best use of Crop - with 4 mentions -
magical_sid Most Creative - with 4 mentions -
magical_sid Best Composition - with 4 mentions - me again, and again: Thanks so much. That means a lot to me! <3
Mod's Choice (although that was a very hard choice because there were so many beautiful icons to choose from) -
jussy_baby Congratulations, everyone!
The banners are - as usually - made by me!
I hope I didn't make any mistakes here!
Thanks to everyone who participated, and for me no matter the result: You're all winners and you all rock and I appreciate each and everyone of you! *hugs*