Challenge #42 - You're the inspiration/Recreation - Winners

Nov 15, 2015 18:37

Late yet again. Seems to be a new theme for me but I'm trying my best to do what I can for this community because even if I don't enjoy Grimm as much as I used to: This community is true to my heart and I hope, it's users are still going to have fun here... everything else would be really sad...

Anyway... I finally managed to count the votes and now the winners of Challenge #42 will be crowned...

Thanks for everyone who participated. I really enjoyed looking at your beautiful icons =D

[And the winners aaaaaaaaare... ;-)]

1st place - with 13 points - entwashian

2nd place - with 12 points each - entwashian as well as squidgiepdx

3rd place - with 6 points each - megan_moonlight as well as entwashian

Best Use of Color - with 3 points - entwashian

Best Crop - with 5 points - entwashian

Most Creative - with 3 points - entwashian

Best Composition - with 3 points - entwashian

Mod's Choice - because there can never be enough Sean Renard - antares04a (and of course because I loved the icon XD)

Congratulations, everyone! Well deserved =D

Voting for Challenge #43 will follow later today =D Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about that :D

challenge-43, #winners

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