Sep 06, 2006 10:45
Im having a molar extracted next friday. Thats going to be fun. I get to be injected. Woo. I had an impacted wisdom tooth taken out a month ago. I was put to sleep. I dont even remember passing out. I was watching the guy pump the stuff into my arm. Hmm.
Im still working at LexisNexis. The worlds largest law publishing firm as a lowly tech-peon.
Jessica and I are trying to get her grandmothers house, but Jessica's mom stands in the way. Her aunt, mom, and uncle all have a share in the house. The uncle has the largest share in it. He wants to sell it. He wants us to buy it so its still in the family, but Jessica's mom is being difficult. It's a gigantic house. Easily around 3000 sq. ft.
Went back to Texas a few months ago. Went back for my best friend, who was on leave for 2 weeks from Fallujah, Iraq. I got to see him a total of about 1 and a half hours over the 5 days I was there. Pretty ridiculous. He was just "too busy". I think most of it was his new wife. He was going to be there another week and a half after we left, but they couldnt spend time with us.
Snakey is doing great. He is so big now. 3 feet and growing. Im going to have to buy him a 72 inch long cage pretty soon.
The end.