I stole this bitch from Alex! How I do love these "the last thing you did" surveys!

Mar 09, 2005 21:44

Slept in your bed: me
Saw you cry: shit if I can remember
Made you cry: Bambi
Spent the night with: Robin
You shared a drink with: Derek??
You went to the movies with: Toni
You went to the mall with: Jessica & Emi
Sent you an email: Xanga
You kissed: Kelly ( :D I can still taste him... yum!)

Said "I Love You" and meant it: yes
Gotten in a fight with your pet: yes
Been to New York: no
Florida: No
California: No
Hawaii: No
Mexico: No
China: No
Canada: No
Danced naked: no
Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: yes
Wish you were the opposite sex: Yes
Had an imaginary friend: yes

Red or blue: red
Spring or Fall: Spring
Are you bored: Kinda
Last noise you heard: Door Bell
Last time you went out of the state: Last Summer; Virginia
Do you have a crush on someone: but of course
What book are you reading now: No time to read... my fucking Algebra II book
What is the first thing you think when you wake up: "Fuckin A! I KNEW I should have gotten off the phone HOURS before I did
How many rings before you answer: one... unless it's peak hours... and then you can fuck me even answering
Future daughter's name: Phoenix Raine
Future son's name: Kelly Patrick (haha JUST KIDDIN'!!!!
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yup
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be: porn star
Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous: righty
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: generally
What's under your bed: shit if I know
College plans: Blow it off in favour of... life?
Piercings: Tongue and ears (so far)
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: :D :D :D :D SHould I REALLY answer that??? Kelly!!!!!!!!

Do you do drugs: Not lately
Do you drink: not Lately
Who is your best friend: Katy, Jessica, Robin...
What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use: Dolla' Sto'!
What are you most scared of: Cauliflower
What clothes do you sleep in: what I get out of the drawer
Who is the last person who called you: Mom
Where do you want to get married: Kelly's pants
Favorite number: 8
What type automobile do you drive: :( :( :( :( Do I REALLY need to answer that?? I failed my driving test today!!! :( My car is an '86 Jeep Cherokee
Are you timely or always late: I am late to the MAX!!
Do you have a job: Yes
Do you like being around people: it depends on who they be
Best feeling in the world: Kelly
Are you a health freak: not really...

Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: Davey
Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: not that I can remember
Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: Kinda
Ever afraid you'll never get married: yes!
Ever want kids?: no!

Room in house: bed
Type(s) of music: ever'ting!
Band: AFI
Memory: Sex.... haha! funny... not really...
Day of the week: Thursday
Color: plaid
Perfume or cologne: My grampa wears Old Spice... it reminds me of home... and old ppl...

Cried: no
Bought something: no
Gotten sick: no
Sung: probably
Said "I Love You": yes
Wanted to tell someone you loved them: yes
Met someone new: possibly
Moved on: No!
Missed someone: Always
Hugged someone: Yes
Kissed someone: Yes
Fought with your parents:Kinda not really... but yeah
Dreamt about someone you can't be with: no
Had a lot of sleep: No

Been drunk -- yes
smoked pot -- yes
Kissed a member of the opposite sex -- Yes
Kissed a member of the same sex -- Yes
Crashed a friend's car -- no
Ridden in a taxi -- no
Been in love -- kinda
Had sex in public -- no
Been dumped -- yes
Shoplifted -- kinda
Been fired -- no
Been in a fist fight -- only with my bro
Pissed on myself -- probably... we were all babies at one time or another
Been arrested -- yes
Made out with a stranger -- yup
Stole something from my job -- kinda
Celebrated new years in time square -- no
Gone on a blind date -- No
Lied to a friend -- YES!!! :( :( :(
Had a crush on a teacher -- yeah
Been to Europe -- No
Skipped school -- yes
Cut myself on purpose -- Yeah
Been married -- No
Had children -- almost
Stripped at a party -- not that I can remember
Literally crawled to your house drunk, even if just from across the street -- No
Jumped off a bridge -- no
Gone surfing -- No
Had a mullet -- No
Peed in public -- when you gotta go...
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