This year's autumn came. My board exam was done.
aviatrix1879 and I were looking for a new place to live in the East Bay, and I was taking classes at a local college that seemed like Pitzer.
For some reason, I found myself taking a pretty hippie-esque class on esoteric/peranormal stuff, taught by a young male instructor who didn't exactly inspire the most respect in me. He seemed quite fluffy, and I didn't take him all that seriously.
In one afternoon class, he set up a powerful electromagnetic device in the middle of the room and had everyone hold hands in a circle around it. It glowed purplish and pinkish, the outside lights dimmed, ... and we started to float into the air. As it turns out, we needed to hold each other's hands for balance and stability, as the circle started rotating and we started listing to and fro. The experiment ended, and we came gently (if awkwardly) to the floor. I still didn't take the instructor seriously. I accepted that we flew, but didn't really give him intellectual credit for it.
Later that afternoon, I flew around to some rental houses that Barbara had recommented, in western Berkeley. I had to put pillows under my arms to stabilize my flight, as the slightest unintended arm or hand movement would send me careening wildly to the side or upside-down.
In this reality, there was a short BART loop that had two stops in northwest and southwest Berkeley, both of which had a house that Barbara had recommended. I started at the southwestern one, as this was just a block or two away from Oakland Airport, and therefore very convenient. I awkwardly landed and found the house to be pretty cute. I paced it out, and indeed it was totally within easy walking distance of Oakland Airport, past a bunch of bike racks. However, the neighborhood was extremely ramshackle, with the rental house being the only one that had all its walls intact and stood straight up. I decided that it wasn't for me. The sun was setting.
Just as I was starting to leave, some people who looked like gang members started toward me, cutting off my (ground) escape route. Apparently I needed some more runway to start flying again, so I started to run deeper into the slum. I ran into a decrepit barn with a puddle of dirty water covering almost the entire floor. My would-be assailants ran along the outside, hoping to catch me upon my exit. Fortunately for me, the barn gave me enough of a runway to take off, and I flew to safety. The sky was purple with the oncoming night.
I came to the house that I was moving out of, which resembled an apartment complex, but had a unique layout. All apartments opened inward to a central (narrow) atrium, with a fire-escape stairway leading up to each one. In mood, it resembled a college dorm. Naturally, I lived on the top floor. It seemed too cramped to take the stairs, so I flew up. My next-door dormie noticed that I had arrived, but she didn't react at all to my ability to fly, as I had expected her to. She didn't even seem all that happy that I had arrived, and just wanted to get back to studying on her bed that took up the entirety of her tiny room.
I took off into the night from top of the atrium and met up with some friends. Suddenly, it was dusk again (or perhaps dawn?). We happened to be a band of quasi-superheroes. A great, burly werewolf attacked us! It was all I could do to distract him and dodge his claw attacks as my teammates tried hurting him. It was super-hard to damage him at all, as he kept regenerating by the power of his blood. Finally, one of us managed to bruise him. The fight stopped, and he manfully ripped open the front of his flannel shirt to show just where we had gotten him -- a teardrop-shaped patch of skin that had been cleared of his auburn fur.
The werewolf spoke in an over-the-top anime-macho voice, saying that he was really tough, but we had hurt him a little, and so we had driven him off and he had to run away and get a blood transfusion. He ran off. My teammates and I paused for a few moments, exchanging glances. Then, without needing to say anything, we decided together to chase after him and finish him off before he could regain his strength and attack us again.
My teammates pursued the werewolf on foot around a large future office building (under construction). I flew up above it, and around the other side, to track him. Wonder of wonders, I no longer needed the pillows! I had the coordination to fly unassisted, just using my hands and arms to balance myself! This allowed me to pursue the werewolf to a transfusion clinic, being the first one to get there after him. He made it in for a walk-in appointment, And the girl who escorted him locked the appointment room door behind him. I flew down and tried to pursue him, but she told me that I'd have to wait for my own appointment. She and handed me a deep red folder with paperwork on blood transfusions.
I saw the werewolf through the glass-paned door, getting set up. I could have easily flown up and unlocked the door, as it had an outside bolt on the top. Still, I didn't want to cause a scene (since I was still under the impression that flying should Not Be Normal), and considered waiting for my teammates to arrive so that we could take the werewolf on all at once. Still, if I waited too long, we might have no chance, as the werewolf would have his blood-power restored. As I hovered inches above the floor in indecision, my alarm chime rang.