finals. aaaack.

Dec 17, 2005 10:13

I have the dreaded finals next week, and the only ones I'm exempt out of are the easy ones, language and history. The band final won't be tough at all, probably just a chair test, and Forensics won't be much at all. The hard one is going to be Pre-Chem, which I'm nowhere close to getting out of. I'm going to be a dead little panda for that one, man.

I just got some of my own Magic cards, yay for me. I got the old Saviors of Kamigawa premade Red/Green, and I've played around with it since the reds it came with were pathetic. In goes the BAYBEH of Ashen Monstrosity, and with all of the steroid-like effects of most of the green instants, I can easily get anything up to about a 17/15 in one shot. Petalmane Baku's ability means I can also get out Koki, and then use the steroids on her until she's a flying nightmare. Yeah, sure, it's cheap, but attacking hard and fast is my strategy for just about everything. If it works right, I can pummel even Mike's white deck.

Anyhoo, yeah, not much has been going on. I'm in the little rush-to-get-everything-done-before-finals lull, and nothing's really worth saying.

Oh well.
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