10 things u like about me

Sep 25, 2005 15:29

LJ Interests meme results

  1. boondock saints:
    a really good movie that was introduced to me by justin my ex. i'd recommend the movie.....not the boyfriend. I'm kidding i love ya justin!
  2. cars:
    i started loving cars back in highschool. i love classic to now...anything that can be tweeked to a higher perfection.
  3. drawing:
    i got into doing my cartoons when i was a kid. my cousin drew the sweetest cartoons and a bug was planted....
  4. greece:
    my mother's ethic background is greek. she was adopted by a hispanic family so my past was lost in the mix somehow. ever since her death i have been really into greek heritage.
  5. nin:
    back in the 90's my oldest brotheer brough home a tape that changed my life...pretty hate machine....been a fan ever since.
  6. ramones:
    i actually got into the ramones while i was locked up...we can have ape players but u get a slim selection of music. well one day i cme across Ramones tape...i listened to it foward and back for months...been a fan ever since.
  7. seinfeld:
    my brother introduced me to this little show. i freakin love this show....if you havent seen it you should
  8. the cure:
    my first serious boyfriend was a huge cure fan. he got me into them big time.....been a fan ever since
  9. tolkin:
    once again i must give credit to t.d.c because i really got into tolken then. read every book....been hooked ever since.
  10. writing:
    i love writing. i dont write anything in particular. i just write and i like it alot

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