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Oct 19, 2009 19:00

Things I'm going to forget to blog about

08:14 feeling a lot better this morning. 2 good nights of sleep, and lots of saline spray. No flu, sinus infection. The flu will not get me!!!

09:06 At the Matter Bookstore today. My knee needs to go ahead and heal so I can ride my bike!

09:36 Woo! The bookstore owner is going to get breakfast burritos at La Luz! Very exciting, as I woke up too late to eat.

10:20 There is a small child on the piano. He is harshing my full of tasty burrito calm.

14:55 My ears are so full today I am resorting to lip reading to know what is going on. So much fun in a bookstore. DIAF, meniere's
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