'Cos I Can

Oct 31, 2005 04:29

Emotions+ Basics +Are you emotional ::Yes, overly so Do songs make you cry? If so, name a few ::"Angel" by Sarah McLachlan, "Wind Beneith My Wongs" by Bette Midler What about movies ::"The Bodyguard", "Stepmom" What emotion do you usually feel ::Loneliness + Sadness +What does it take to make you cry your heart out ::Probebly a death, or if someone really upsets me How many times have you done that ::A fair few Where do you cry ::Mostly my room, or if im at school, the bathrooms Do you hate crying ::God yeah Do you like it when others cry ::Thats a wierd question..no Do you think tears make eyes look pretty ::Erm..I've never really thought about it Who looks good when they cry ::Meh..probebly Charlize Theron or someone like that How else do you express sadness ::I go quiet Are you sad all the time ::No + Anger +What does it take to make you mad ::For someone to hurt someone I love, or insults What do you do when you're angry ::Depends who's made me angry How short is your temper ::Fairly short, but I know how to keep it under wraps How long does it take you to calm down ::A while, i hold a fairly big grudge What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad ::Punched a wall and broke three knuckles..i figured it was better than actually punching who i wanted to Do you freak out when others are angry ::Sometimes Has anyone ever recommended anger management to you ::No What's the worst thing someone's done to make you mad ::Supported my father Do you anger people ::I dont know, but if i do i'd like to know + Joy +How often are you happy ::I try to be most of the time What makes you happy ::Being with friends, my dog What do you do when you're happy ::..smile? How optimistic are you ::Not very Do happy people make you mad ::If i'm not happy, then yeah it bugs me What's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy ::Take advantage of other people, or forget their feelings Ever been so happy you were dying to tell everyone ::Yes Ever been so happy you cried ::Yes, loads of times Do you smile a lot ::I try Kiss people a lot::Sometimes, im more of a hugger Who really makes you happy ::My dog Do you like doing things for people when you're happy ::Yes + Fear +What do you do when you're scared ::I worry What scares you ::Alot of things Do you like scaring people ::Depends who it is Do you like the trill of being frightened ::Only if its when im watching a movie, otherwise no Does fear accompany anger in your case ::It can do Ever been so scared you couldn't breathe ::Yes How often do you panic ::I have panic attacks on a regular basis What's the one thing that scared you more than anything else EVER ::Seeing my mother helpless, and having my father in total control What do you do to calm your nerves ::I take Zoloft..heh Do rollercoasters scare you ::No they just make my stomach turn + The strongest emotion +What song never fails to get your strongest emotions going ::"The Rose" by Bette Midler Movie ::"Stepmom" Commericial ::"My mum gives me milo, to go and go and go" Person ::Rebecca Thing ::Is my dog a thing? Sight ::A photo of mum and me Sound ::Someone laughing Food ::The smell of basil, reminds me of mums roasts Thing you're looking forward to/want ::I want my mum back + What do you do +When the emotion suck ::Probebly cry When the emotion rocks ::Probebly laugh When there's no emotion ::Probebly nothing + Would you rather +Never feel again ::No Feel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life ::Anger Be happy forever and never experience bad times ::No, experience gives knowledge Cause misery ::No Feel misery ::Yes, rather than cause it Be alone ::No Be with everyone you know ::No..alone time is good, just not too much + Who +Cheers you up more than anyone else ::Kate Angers you more than anyone else ::Rebecca Scares you more than anyone else ::My father Makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else ::Mrs. Boston Makes you really care about how they feel and what they think ::Lauren and Courtney Take this survey | Find more surveys
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