When I tell you about my school, and you don't believe me...

Jan 11, 2007 11:17

I was bored and decided to see what my school was ranked best for on princetonreview.com. I'll do a couple of them that I find interesting and save the best for last, and you MUST read the last one, it'll have you in stitches.

Rank On List

#20 Best Overall Academic Experience for Undergraduates

#10 Everyone Plays Intramural Sports

#6 Town-Gown Relations Are Strained

And let me just copy down the top five on this list:

1 Warren Wilson College

2 Bard College

3 Colorado College

4 University of California-Santa Cruz

5 Oberlin College

Now, I would like to point out that we are NUMBER THREE on this list. Next, I would like to give you the name of the list. It is filed under >Parties> and it is called: Reefer Madness. My school is the number THREE(!) school in the country for widespread and consistent consumption of Marijuana. And get this, CU Boulder ain't even on the list. CU students would argue that they have a better selection than we do, but that shit has got to come up from Mexico, and guess who's in between Boulder and Mexico, CC. Take that! So people, now you might understand the severity of my stories of being able to smell weed at any hour, just by opening my door...

That's all folks!

I would like to point out that this situation in Somalia looks a little like Vietnam did in the mid- to late-70s, what with the Special Forces units operating on the ground with limited air support. A bit of a different take on the news: http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/ED86A771-BBA5-4A5A-B229-DDE465EEAED0.htm
Or the traditional.
CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/africa/01/11/somalia.ap/index.html
ABC News: http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=2787336
This a hell of a situation...
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