Aug 22, 2006 15:51
Well, I figured I'd at least make an entry. I don't know why, but here I am. Nothing really at all about music today. Went to work earlier (computer job),and been fairly busy here today. I'll probably play volleyball at the church tonight. There's a game there every tuesday night during the summer. It's fun, but sometimes it gets a bit more competitive then I care for. I love to play (and i play fairly well, especially my knuckle serve!), but I play for fun, not to destroy the other team (although, if i could spike hard, i would probably love to spike off the other teams heads!!) Thinking ahead a little to tomorrow night's choir rehearsal. We'll see who shows up, but we should be able to continue getting ready for Oct. 8. I really need to spend some time in the loft organizing some music and cleaning a bit. Even though i've been here for about 1 1/2 years, there is still so much that needs to be sorted through and organized. When i got here, there were stacks of loose music piled up on every flat space. I've got things better under control, but it seems like there is never enough time to do everything. I may work on the books for the holiday for a bit tomorrow morning, and then work on repairing the front steps of the church. maybe i'll take a pic of some of the work i am doing, and show it to all you devoted readers...