Oct 28, 2005 15:01
Trying to get the following:
Phys II (will they let me do that?) Gorman- 2:30-4
Organic Chem Thummel 8:30-10
Bio II????? (no one teaching it yet)
(each of those classes are 3 hour credits a piece)
Organic Lab (classes start at either 8 and end at 2 or 2 and end at 8 or some other shitty time)
Bio II Lab
Phys Lab
thats 13 hours
then maybe retake chem I (16 hours)
take one of the following for a math minor:
advanced linear algebra,
still need to take phys I
genetics (need to pass bio II first)
orgo II
physical chem (chem minor)
class I want to take
CHINESE (not offered in spring or no teacher signed up to teach it yet)
3 year program!TRIPPLE MINOR?
classes to take this summer:
phys I& II (@NH)
or 2 Math classes( @ uh)
phys I&II(NH)+ Math class(UH)