Bad science hurts me...

Jan 12, 2010 10:38

watervole may be interested in this. As would sabremeister

Some woman in the U.S. discounting Autism research by scientists. Drives me crazy; especially as I've just found out that both of my parents have been told by my old teachers that I show signs of having Asperger's Syndrome. They never told me. They never bloody well told me. I've spent the best part of my life thinking that it's entirely my fault that I have trouble dealing with people so much. Obviously having something like that isn't a "get-out-of-jail-free, I'm-Aspergic-I-can't-help-it card" but it would have been nice for them to say: "There's a possibility that you have this illness, this is how we're going to deal with it together" instead of hiding it from me for nearly 8 years...

Yeah, little annoyed about that.
Here's the article:
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