Man, we aint found shit!

Oct 10, 2004 22:26

What a boring day.

Yes, Lori, My allergies have come back, en masse, since returning to this wretched state. I am not deterred from my aim in coming back here, however.

My kitty is sick I think. She made a wonderful interpretation of Reagan from The Exorcist, when she projectile vomited in the direction of the kitty litter. Hey, at least she was aiming for it, instead of going into hiding, puking, and then me not knowing until four dreadful days later, when the stench would waft into every room and wouldn't go away until my search party-like endeavor would locate the source.

But since then, she hasn't done it again, nor acted sick. She keeps attacking Dante and my hand when i am not looking, so I assume she is okay. Maybe just ate something wrong or ate too fast or something.

Anyway.....miss you guys! Hope to see you soon!

Current Drink: Skyy and Sprite w/ lime.

Current Pill: Claritin. (still?)
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