Jun 01, 2006 09:30
This is my second to last day at work... and I am sitting here going I AM FREAKING BORED!! Cause well there is not much to do =P Good news is I might get a job at my old employer that would be so SWEET!! =) The funny thing I think subconsicously I knew this wouldn't last... usually I make my cube a place where I would consider home... in this case I didn't.I just have this one plant.... so I think I knew... cause usually when my cube is like empty... I am not there for long...
Well on the he said she said bit... looks like the he said person caught the she said person... on a couple of lies.... and figure out oh yeah... she was lying about Ada.... ABOUT FUCKING TIME!! I got an apology but yeah.... thanks but doesn't mean I trust you again... or we are back to best friends.. NOT GOING TO HAPPENED!!!