and i'm still figuring out this thing

Aug 23, 2007 16:11

I reckon that if people were trying to join the community to see about updates to the zines, they were thwarted by my inability to set this thing up correctly.  ANd i think i fixed it so that comments are screened and what not so if you are in the community, you aren't barraged with too many random questions.. ( i think)


I think all will be well.

I hope.

Good news from the Press!Goblins is that RC1 & RC2 have sold out again!
That's not really a bad thing, as we'll go to copydotcom and print some more (Cause they print the luscious colour covers) on Friday
but it MIGHT be a statement that we need to make larger print runs than 70!

So, if you've mail ordered, please bear with us while we get the copies bound and in the mail.
But all in all, getting PayPal was the best thing that we did, now, lets see how the people at the cons are receiving the zine.

We're still scouring our address books and looking through fic authors to tap for the third installment, and that deadline is still November 2.

Drop us a line if you are at (or going to) ZebraCon or EasternMedia and you see the 'zine or (plan to) get it there.

We're all one happy family, you know?


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