Back from vacation.

Sep 04, 2006 15:23

There'll be a full report on how my vacation went, but I have to post on something more urgent first.

Steve Irwin is dead.

I should rephrase that, as it doesn't properly convey what happened.

One of my HEROES is dead.

Steve Irwin lived a life I would have loved to live, start to premature finish. Throughout high school, I was renowned for my dead-on impersonations of him. My friends and I from the animal preserve I worked at talked about him reverently, and often (in a MUCH more muted way) imitated his behavior in finding turtles, snakes, etc. in the preserve. He lived his entire life doing what he loved, and he wasn't stopped by fear or ANYTHING.

He looked idiotic to some, reckless to many, but this was a man who knew what he was doing at all times. This was a man who knew animals and knew how to act around them and knew how to make his love and knowledge of them readily available to the public.

I respect many biologists and nature enthusiasts.

And I rank Steve Irwin alongside Theodore Roosevelt, Charles Darwin, and Alan Rabinowitz as my heroes.

May he be returned to the cycle.
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