Because it looked fun.

Feb 28, 2005 19:55

1. What's on your bedside table?
I have a bedside table???

2. What's the geekiest part of your music collection?
Uh, George of the Jungle soundtrack

3. What do you eat when you raid the fridge at night?

4. What is your secret guaranteed weeping film?
Any movie where an animal dies.

5. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
A bit of liposuction.

6. Do you have a completely irrational fear?
Uh, yeah... that the people on posters watch me when I get undressed.

7. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?
My face turns bright red.

8. Do you ever have to beg?
Yes, to make someone stop ticking me at times.

9. Do you have too many love interests?

10. Do you know anyone famous?
Don Kohoarski, NHL referee. My sister, who is "the power ranger" of women's hockey referees.

11. Describe your bed.
Covered with stuffed animals (a kangaroo, a griffin puppet, and a black and white kitty.), two pillows, my high school stadium blanket.

12. Spontaneous or plan?
Usually plan, but can be spontaneous.

13. Who should play you in a movie about your life?
Uh, I don't know.

14. Do you know how to play poker?
Yes, but don't really remember.

15. What do you carry with you most of the time?

16. How do you drive?

17. What do you miss most about being little?
Getting to play any time I want to

18. Are you happy with your given name?
Yes, now that I realize I have control over it.

19. What color is your bedroom?
Brick, with a few things here and there.

20. What was the last song you were listening to?
Ya'll want a single. - Korn

21. Have you ever been in a school play?
Yes, but I was always stuck in the people singing the songs.

23. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?

24. Do you think you're cute?


Um whee? And why is my roommate always my nemesis?

Notice that I finally got another picture. I made it last night after using google to cruse for pictures. I own this particular griffin stuffed animal by the way.
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