In Biology of Invertebrates, in our first practical class, the teacher gave us one extra task, to be done until the end of this semester. A sculpture of an invertebrate.
Right when he said that, I said right away what I was going to do. It's obvious for my class.
So, in memory of a teacher of ours (because we all hate her), I present you....
Carraça! (Tick in portuguese)
I was going to use Plastey for it, but I forgot to bring it to Évora and since I wanted to deliver it today, I end up doing it with recicled materials.
The tick was made with paper, a cloth label (seriously), tissue and pizza box. I wasn't going to colour it, but since there some things missing (like the name and a small text talking about the Tick), I'll probably going to give it some colour.
Ah, and in case you are wondering, that ogre teacher's last name is tick in portuguese.
More shots:
Who said biology is boring? :v