I need some direction and/or motivation

May 04, 2011 13:30

I am struggling to decide what I would like to do with my life going forward.  I haven't been getting a lot of substituting jobs (and I'm not crazy about subbing anyway).  The only good part of the AMC job is the movies I get to see.  And some of the people I work with (and I seem to be working with them less and less).  I don't have the money to go back to school (librarian? Masters in Teaching--would that help?) I've been thinking, lately, about going back to being a receptionist: a little boring at times but most of the time you either have a computer in front of you or you can do other things between calls.  If I could find something, like that had a night desk, with evening hours (a hospital or hotel maybe?)  I used to really want a job with one of the call dispatcher services (911, Sheriff, etc.).  The long and the short of it is that I want something new, but I don't seem to be pushing in that direction (like I should be).

There are a lot of really great things in my life:
Good friends and not just people that want to spend time with me but positive, supportive, wonderful people who like and believe in me. 
The writing-- I'm not sure if I'm any good at it really, but I am enjoying myself.
Ice cream--I just found an delicious one (but I'm eating WAY too much)

So I have stuff in my life that I like and I'm happy and grateful for them.  Life doesn't suck, but the work thing is making it feel like it does.  That's not fair!  And so what do I do world?  What's gonna get me off my ass?
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