Jan 06, 2004 21:07
Do this for me ya'll. Feel free to make 1 for urself and I'll do you too! Ummm...well I'll do da gurlz at least. Ugh, nevermind! FILL IN DA BLANKZ! Make em as long az u want.
I ____ Romeo.
r0/r0 is ____.
If I were alone in a room with King ROME, I would _______.
I think Romez should _____.
Romie needs ______.
I want to ____________ Romez Slice.
Someday The Heartless Angel will ________.
Heartless reminds me of _______.
Without Mr. Romeo _______.
Memories of Jessica Alba's future husband are ________.
Mr. Colon can be __________.
__________ is how I describe meeting Rome.
Worst thing about Romeo Vincent is _________.
Best thing about RVC is _________.
I am ________ with The Dagga-Man.
If I could say one thing to Romeo it would be _________.
r0/r0 says _________ alot.