May 31, 2008 00:22

Promised Nadiah a Picture Post.
So whats better than ADIML #1?
Here's 28th May '08

Started my day at 0807h.
That's my brother's phone. He slept beside me last night.

The morning sun embraces me (notice my sad lips) as I replied a text.

Brush my teeth while showing. The products I have to use. And yes, I multitask.

I have a habit of choosing my clothes the night before so I wont waste morning precious time to choose.

Here's me. With my hair dried and clothes on.

Grab the cookies I baked yesterday and headed out for work...only to find the floor covered with dots. Its drizzling!

I'm supposed to walk to the other-other side to catch a bus to Clementi MRT station. Thank god for my maid's hand-held umbrella which she made me bring to work that day.

I reached the other-other side and texted 'Iris', a program where you texted and within a few seconds, it wil reply you your bus aprox. arrival time. Sometimes, its not really accurate but because I'm a very impatient person. 'Iris' is a great help. Look, I have to pay 5cents for this service.

SHOW OFF MY NEW WEDGES WHICH I GOT FOR ONLY $20. Original price was $69.90. I love Great Singapore Sale. 70% off, babe.

Bus finally came and I reached my destination only to find myself waiting for yet another bus and this time, I lazy to text 'Iris'. So I waited patiently and the bus came soon after.

The sun is showing itself.

Reached work and opened all my excel sheets. Signed in MSN and opened LJ.

My desk is five steps away from the pantry so I got breakfast while waiting for everything else to load. I have Calbury hidden beneath the crackers.

Time Check! Time for lunch! There the lunch shuttle. Today is Wednesday so it is bringing us to National University Singapore (NUS). We are intending to go to Engineering Block to have grilled chicken!

Sonya decided to have herbal chicken from another stall.

It was raining heavily when we got back to work. I have Cheezels at the side in case I need to slam the phone down on idiotic clients.

Cheezels became my tea break snack instead. I took this time to pee too.

I did OT today again but I dont mind. Daddy called saying he is coming to pick me up. So I rushed out and went back into the office for I forgot to change my slippers hence, I'm grabbing my wedges!

Daddy wasnt there yet and I had time to change my footwear. Met Alana and told her my dad will send her home too.

Drove to Jurong West St 52. Daddy had to run some errands and Alana had cravings for Chao Kway Tiao ( I hope it spelt it correctly!).

On the way home, Daddy recieved a call to fax a letter to the shipyard. So he had to head back to the office. He's office is in the industrial area therefore it looked like a dark alley way.

His office. This is the first time I'm in here and I was wondering which Admin Assistant will want to work here. Apparently, the main office is somewhere else.

He couldnt remember which computer has that letter he drafted in the morning.

I got bored so I camwhored at the side and realised that the third picture is the best.

Daddy was finally done and he asked me to call my brother to bring some stuffs up. When we reached the void deck, I was welcomed by him.

Got home. Shat and showered. I dont know why was the shower head left hanging like that. Facial products to remove makeup and toner.

Dried my hair and got ready for bed.

Got hungry and opened the microwave. There was only two dishes left from dinner.

Vegetables or Chicken?

I chose Vegetables and I was green. That wasnt enough so I threw in a packet of Yam Cake my dad brought at the food center. Yum, Fairly God Parents!

Washed my tongue stud. It reads: Fucker. And there was this chinese drama on.

I love the smell of Colgate. What toothpaste do you use?

Mum gave me 10bucks while I watched my brother play Maple (stupid game).

AND I FELL ASLEEP. I guess I was super tired.


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