Jan 28, 2009 09:05
Wow. Urban Spoon (www.urbanspoon.com) is kinda getting Huntsville stuff going... Been watching it over the last few months (since the iPhone app came out for us), and they've got a pretty good list of restaurants going...
Now here's the problem, and it's a big problem. People in this city suck. Really. For the longest time, Rosie's was the #1 Huntsville restaurant according to Urban Spoon. Um. Ok no. Now the top two restaurants are Dolce and Ketchup. The rankings are definitely FUBAR, but if you pay attention to the feeds, it's definitely the owners of the establishment updating the restaurant profiles (i.e. adding photographs, etc)... It doesn't surpise me.
While it doesn't suprise me, no idea what we can do about it?