
Jul 23, 2004 23:43

Have you looked at the different moods they have on this junk? i'm FUCKIN CHIPPER! It does however suprise me that they are lacking the infamous "Horny" mood seeing as most people who have these journal things are teenagers, and any elder will tell you that teenagers are likea bunch of randy little she goats.
Eyeballs, eyeball, eyeballs..........nope, doesn't work that way.
Yeah, so a bit of advice for anyone out there never do mushrooms, and if you do make sure no one turns on the oven filling the house with propane that you then smell while tripping and freak out!
Schnickedy, schnickedy, schnack! So here's the deal youz guyz, if you read this junk and don't leave a message, i'll fuckin kill you! thats right, by reading and not commenting you are condescending me, and people shouldn't condescend a crazy man. It'd be like staring a bear in the eyes, you're bound ot get mauled.
Hey, all you women and girls out there, is there any deoderant that you like on a guy? cause i need some new stuff cause this adidas stuff comes off and stains my shirts pits with like oil, its annoying.
If you're girl you could also help me out by telling me what the hell is wrong with me!? CAuse i can't figure it out, i usually turnout to be the guy that makes a "good friend"..i mean c'mon women, at least be straight about it and jsut say, your ugly, or you stink, or whatever the problem is, cause bullshitting me isn't gonna get me anywhere damnit!
Peace i'm out! and remember beautiful eyes are all you need to see the stars.
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