It was a good year.
The year before everything--no, he just designated it The Year Before, the last full roll of the system calendar when everything had moved on schedule, when all deployments were robust and full-featured, when everything tricky shook out in beta and bugs were rare, easily stamped out by coordinated, efficient action between key
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"He is kinda cute," Mika began, earning herself a flat stare from her best friend. "What?"
"Nothing," Jazz said with a snicker as she looked around. Upon spotting Jalen's arrival, she nudged Mika and nodded towards him. "Is that....?"
Mika looked and smiled. "Yes it is!" she said, waving to him. She'd seen him around Arjia once in a while, but never did get to introduce herself.
Something he always loved to see.
The sight of the two girls waving made him smile, as he waved back. He'd been recognized had he? Not that he supposed it would be hard for those that knew him. He was after all one of the first ISOs, he worked with Flynn, and alongside Radia. Not a face that was hidden from the population - especially in Arjia.
"Enjoying yourselves?" he questioned, walking over to them.
"Uh huh," she said. "Um..I'm Mika, and this is my best friend Jazz. I've seen you around Arjia before haven't I?"
One of them, though. The face was unfamiliar, but the clothing not so much. It couldn't... could it? The Program he'd been locked in combat with before? He tilted his head slightly, picking his way through the crowd toward the ISO and hoping it wasn't just some trick to infect the populace.
What name was it, that Radia had said before... before? "Jalen?"
So he wasn't all that surprised to find himself being noticed again.
He lacked the helmet Anon had grown used to - there wasn't any reason to keep it on all the time. And the hood? That wasn't pulled up.
"Greetings." he called back, a voice similar, but not as warped as Abraxas'. He looked the other Program over, "Do I know you?" The other seemed to know him well enough to spot him, but if this was a frist meeting, then a proper greeting would be in order.
In spite of what the Monitor knew, this wasn't the virus he'd fought so hard against so often, not really. This was an ISO, which meant he wasn't any worse than most other Programs.
He shook his head at the question. "I've just heard of you." Social conventions aren't his strong suit - he's used to being automatically identified as 'Monitor' or 'why aren't you dead yet?' and not having to give his name - but it seems like the proper thing to do, after calling out Jalen like that. "I'm Anon."
Oh well. It didn't matter in the long run.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Anon."
It felt weird, that name. And the voice - how... normal it was - was still throwing him off. Anon was, as a usual, rather speechless as a result, uncertain what precisely he should say. At least at this point he had a natural conversation hook that wasn't related to viruses or security issues. He nodded at the area to indicate the festivities.
"Enjoying it?" he inquired.
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