Who: The Twins and whoever finds them
Where: That walkway, over there ~>
When: Right about midday
Warnings: None likely
For a brief moment there was, perhaps, the smell of something burning, the aftermath of a gasoline explosion, but it was gone just as quickly, dissipating easily in the air.
Moments later there was a hefty thud as a body hit the walkway from what seemed to be a significant height. Before the first body could even move a second one followed, landing more softly, mostly due to the fact that it had unraveled into drifting strands of code looped and coiled into the shape of a person, though it pulled itself together once it was on the ground, slowly, almost cautiously.
They rose almost in unison, unfolding in a series of disjointed movements, like puppets suddenly and unexpectedly finding themselves without strings, having to get used to moving on their own. They scanned the immediate area over each other's shoulders, working as a unit, watching out for each other as easily as they watched out for themselves.
The place seemed familiar to them in a way that the Matrix never had, though they couldn't be sure, since they had no real point of reference. They turned a slow circle, taking in their surroundings with matching bright green eyes, somehow their sunglasses had been lost in the transition and for the moment they didn't notice and they didn't care.