Flynn heard the program scream as he turned from where he was standing at the bar to see the girl on the floor. He immediately went over to see if she was alright. It looked liked she was in trouble, her body language said it all.
'Hey, can you hear me? Are you alright?,' he crouched down to her level. She was young and looked terrified. Perhaps she was new to the Grid. 'My name's Flynn. You're safe here. What just happened?,'
She blinked up at him, one hand still pressed to her chest "I... yes? I'm fine, now. But ... but I think I was just derezzed."
Most people thought she was young, though up close it was easy to tell otherwise, it was just that she was short, compact even, but she was anything but new.
Flynn swallowed at her words. Derezzed? But she was crouched on the floor of the club. Perhaps she was newly rezzed in? Another portal malfunction? He gave her a comforting look.
'Hey, it's alright. You're not dead now. You're at the End of Line club and no one here is going to hurt you,' he placed a hand on her shoulder. He studied her young face and felt sorry for the poor girl. 'What's your name?,'
"I know." she said with a nod, though she still looked puzzled, trying to sort everything out, "I work here." She shook her head then, running a hand through her hair, "I'm Dolly, and you're obviously Flynn." Obvious, of course, because Clu wouldn't be that helpful, "What are you doing here?"
He nodded. She knew who he was yet her name wasn't familiar to him. A waitress at the End of Line? Well, that would explain her being here but the the scream and her reaction was still a mystery.
'I was just having a drink because I felt like a break after doing some research into some things. It's nice to meet you, Dolly,' he managed a small smile. 'Why did you scream? It looked like you just appeared onto the floor. Like you weren't there before,'
'Hey, can you hear me? Are you alright?,' he crouched down to her level. She was young and looked terrified. Perhaps she was new to the Grid. 'My name's Flynn. You're safe here. What just happened?,'
Most people thought she was young, though up close it was easy to tell otherwise, it was just that she was short, compact even, but she was anything but new.
'Hey, it's alright. You're not dead now. You're at the End of Line club and no one here is going to hurt you,' he placed a hand on her shoulder. He studied her young face and felt sorry for the poor girl. 'What's your name?,'
'I was just having a drink because I felt like a break after doing some research into some things. It's nice to meet you, Dolly,' he managed a small smile. 'Why did you scream? It looked like you just appeared onto the floor. Like you weren't there before,'
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