Who: Ram and YOU
What: This parkour thing Rinzler and Anon keep doing looks like fun, so Ram decides to try it.
Where: where you LEAST EXPECT IT. >3
Warnings: none kthx
Heights hadn't really worried Ram for a long time. When he'd first rezzed onto the Grid, he hadn't remembered there being anything special about them; after getting his old-system memories back, there'd been other things to fear. A recent brush with gridbugs, though, had brought everything back; though he'd had Lizor on his side, they nearly hadn't made the final jump. Had they known it, the reasons for their respective fears were surprisingly similar.
It was a mild phobia, as phobias went. It didn't hit him when looking out high windows or cycling over perilous ramps, or kick him out of his sleep cycle as some of his other memories occasionally did. But true to his actuarial training, he figured that reducing liabilities was a good way to lower the odds of trouble in the future.
So he was running.
But not just running along the street. He'd noticed some programs -- particularly the Rinzlers and his new friend Anon -- taking unusually complicated routes across town: routes that took them up walls and down slides and over gaps not too different from the one he and Lizor had managed to traverse.
It looked difficult. It looked like fun. It looked like it involved the kinds of split-second vector and probability calculations that had kept Ram in one piece on the Game Grid. And it looked like a good way to ground those fragments of his former life and put them out of his head.
So Ram had mapped out a starting route -- a fairly simple one, good for testing his aptitude but not overly dangerous -- and set off, waving cheerfully to anyone who noticed the very strange manner in which he was getting from Point A to Point B.
[idk with rl like this I just want fun and fluff right now. let's do some of that?]]