Who: Clu here, and anyone who happens to stumble across him
Where: A random alleyway, somewhere in Tron City
When: Sometime post-Legacy mostly, but I'm flexible :)
Warnings: Shouldn't be any, unless people start cussing Clu out for stuff his future counterpart did
Not the most auspcious way to start the millicycle... )
Comments 127
Until Clu's face looming with nightmarish suddenness from an alley sent all Yori's processes into frantic overdrive, hatred and terror ice-cold in her throat.
One hand went to her vehicle baton to ensure her escape route, the other snatched out her disk to guard herself. Yori snarled, "Clu," and only then realized that in fact Clu had never been in the habit of wearing Encom vintage armor.
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Slowly, Yori put away her disk, in response to the program's gesture of surrender. She kept a white-knuckled grasp on her baton, to comfort her instincts in case this was some insane trick.
Yori tilted her head and squinted slightly, trying to see the program as an ally from Encom and not her ruler and bitter enemy from the Grid. It only worked if she couldn't see his face. Crash the admin program for corrupting even memories he had no part of.
"It's going to be a very long story," she warned...Clu. "That name has belonged to someone else for many cycles." Yori hesitated. "What's the last thing you remember?"
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At the comment that it would be a long story, Clu nodded. He suspected that any sort of story that would explain someone randomly pulling a weapon on another program like that would indeed be a long one. Though it was at least a relief to hear that it wasn't him she had such obvious hatred for, just a program with a similar name and appearence. He was glad; though he didn't wear their blue circuits, he too was a User believer and would've been upset to discover that he'd unknowingly harmed any innocent programs while glitched. Especially a program that looked like this woman; despite the oddities of her appearance, now that she wasn't threatening him, he noticed that she was rather attractive. Still, given the circumstances, he kept his thoughts to himself ( ... )
But the sight of the old circuitry and the all-too-familiar shape caught his attention at once... only to make him stare, briefly, in surprise.
"Greetings, program," he said softly. Had to start somewhere, right?
"You, my friend, are very far from home." In time, as well as in space. He paused a little, then as carefully as he could, although there wasn't a good way to do this. "I am Flynn."
He headed north towards the city when he saw it. Or rather, him. Was that....no. It couldn't be. C.L.U? His first creation? He blinked twice as he got closer. Standing, a little dazed in his original armour.
'C-C.L.U? Is that you, man?,'
'Oh, the name thing. You might want to know that, mighten you?,' he laughed softly. 'I'm not a program, Clu. I AM Flynn. Kevin Flynn, your User,' he let the words sink in slowly as he watched the program's face. 'It's ok, don't get worried. Nothing bad can happen as I'm standing here. I've come to fix you up inside of here. The Grid,' he motioned to the vast expanse of digital world around him.
'You're safe now. No more glitches for you, man. I'll patch you up AND find you a new tank. How does that sound, huh? Keep that tank rollin,' he made grin and laughed softly.
She knew that face, and it was enough to freeze her processor for a moment or two, at least until she actually took in the difference in armor, for one, as well as the fact that he looked ... well, frankly he looked lost, and that was not an expression she'd ever seen on Clu's face before.
"Greetings, program." She said, quietly, only barely managing to keep the tremor from her voice.
She managed a smile a moment later, and it was even sincere, even if it was a little tight at the corners, "I'm Aadi, I arrived not too long ago myself. Welcome to the Grid. I'm sure you came from somewhere almost like it."
"Apparently so...", he replied at her comment about being lost, looking around once again. Now that he was able to see more than just the interior of the alley, he could see that even the buildings around here looked a bit strange, as if it wasn't even part of the same system. That would explain alot, but would also present a whole new set of questions. The biggest one being how in the name of all the Users did he even get here ( ... )
She bit her tongue to keep from replying 'I know who you are', because it was becoming increasingly clear to her that she didn't. She shook her head at the question, "No, no it isn't. It's self-contained, and this? This is Tron City." She hesitated a moment before adding, "And while I hate to be the bearer of bad news, that memory is probably correct."
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