What to post...

Oct 20, 2008 10:44

Yeah, I know it's been a month since my last post.  Sue me.

Every day, I think of things that might be interesting to blog about.  But before I get a chance to actually type out my thoughts or opinions on something, I lose it.  The idea, that is.  I have a terrible memory and can never remember the things that at the time I thought were so interesting.

The election, for example.  I wish I would have some witty things to put together about the whole thing, but all I can ever see to come up with is that fact that I think Sarah Palin is a complete moron, and McCain looks like a fool for putting her up on the ticket with him.  The man is inches away from keeling over and he's got this nincompoop (a word that I could definitely imagine Palin using) that's supposed to take over and run the country???  We're already the laughing stock for countless other countries because of the jackass that's currently in office.  If you couldn't tell, I'm a strong proponent for Obama.  I feel very good about him getting elected, but I have fears that it won't work out as planned.  And then we'll have McCain in office, which, as far as I can tell, will just end up being more of the same.  So, no thanks.

I miss having friends.  I mean, I have a couple girlfriends that I feel I can count on.  But at what point do you become expendable to people?  What is it about me that makes "friends" just give up on me?  I've been through this so many times in my life.  I have these people in my life that I feel I can't live without.  My best friends.  My sisters.  And then for whatever reason, they disappear.  Am I drawn to people that give up on me?  Or is it something that I do that pushes them away?  I know it's the cycle of life - change and all that.  I just hate feeling so alone.  I would say I have two best friends...the girl that has been with me through everything and the girl that I see every day at work.  And when did it become so difficult for me to make new friends?  I feel so awkward around new people.  I never know what to say when it comes to small talk.  I've become shy, for lack of a better word, because sometimes I find it so difficult to put words together.  I get that when I'm with the people that I DO feel comfortable around.  I have these thoughts in my head, but somewhere between my brain and my mouth, the words just get jumbled up.  I just feel out of place.  I miss my parents and my grandparents.  Who would've thought that day would ever come?  When I was 18, I couldn't wait to move out of the house.  I was ready to move to some far away state and start anew.  Now, I'm an hour and a half away and I feel like there's a world between us.  I guess family (and the family that you choose for yourself) is what you can count on.

Wow...What a tangent.

Money's really tight right now.  When we decided to buy a house, we knew that we were going to have to start keeping better track of our money and where it's spent.  But whoa.  Not only did our "home" payment go up by about $500, but we have additional bills that we never had to worry about when we lived in the apartment.  We have increased bills - like the gas.  Chris has always had an hour drive to work, but I used to get here in 15-20 minutes.  Not anymore.  It's a lot to take in.  I'm sure we'll get everything in order, it's just very intimidating to think about.  I'm trying to come up with ways to conserve our cash, but it's really really hard when you're trying to scrape it together.

I was hoping my aunts and uncles would give us some money for our house warming party this weekend, which would ease my worries a bit, but only one did.  $20 from an uncle.  One of the other uncles gave us some hand towels and a pumpkin-shaped trivet.  And the last uncle gave us a loaf of bread, a bottle of wine and a box of salt, and quoted some line from 'It's a Wonderful Life' (Which I've never seen).  We also got a couple Target gift cards and a pottery barn potpourri thing (which I'm totally in LOVE with).  Oh!  And my parents gave us a grill!!!  It's still at their house, though.  I'm going to try to get it on Friday when I go for my weekly visit.  I can't wait to get it set up, so I can grill.  Brats and burgers and chicken and steak and corn and potatoes and YUM!  I LOVE LOVE L O V E food on the grill.  It's so quick and easy.  And TASTY!  Who doesn't like some flame grilled goodness???  Chris thinks it's getting too cold to grill.  I say EFF that!  I'm grilling when it's snowing out, damnit!  I grew up with my dad grilling on a regular basis - all year round.  I am so excited!  lol

Maybe one of these days I'll stay on track when doing a post.  Until then, if you choose to read, you're going to have to go on the crazy detours with me.

I have more.  I'll try to contain myself until tomorrow.  You can tell when things are slow at work...I have a lot more time to waste on here.  :-)

money, random, friends, grilling, family, election

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