Stolen from
1. What about your 2009 resolutions?
Didn't have any, as usual !
2. Did someone close to you die?
3. Did someone close to you give birth?
Not this year.
4. Where did you travel?
Ireland ♥
5. What are the best things that you bought?
The two first Millenium books, the two first seasons of The Tudors, a dresser to put all our books and DVDs with Jon...
6. What happened in 2009 that you didn't think would ever happen?
Well, not that I thought that it would never happen. Just not so soon, and certainly not like that. She had promised me she would never do it, after all.
7. What would you like to see happen differently?
8. How much did you change from this time last year till now ?
I'd say I've grown up a bit more.
9. How did you celebrate Christmas?
With Jon, his family and Doctor Who.
10. Which month/date/event did you prefer?
I loved the summer I spent in Ireland. I absolutely loved August 19, when Jon and I celebrated our first anniversary by going first to the cinema (Inglorious Basterds ♥) and then back to the pub where we had our first date.
11. What do you regret or hate in 2009?
12. What was the best movie you saw?
Inglorious Basterds !
Best tv show? Not an easy question... for new TV shows : The Tudors and The Big Bang Theory. New seasons : Torchwood.
Best artist? Neil Hannon.
Best book? Thud!, Terry Pratchett + La Sèvre et le Givre, Lea Sidhol + The Girl who played with Fire, Stieg Larsson.
Best concert? Didn't see any...
13. What did you do for your birthday? how old are you?
I went to the funeral of one of Jon's cousins'... but then later during the day Jon had ordered a nice cake for me and I celebrated my birthday with him and his family. I'm now 19 and a half...
14. Are you in a relationship?
Ooooh yes. And hopefully for a long, long time.
15. What missed you this year?
More time with my mother.
16. New Year's resolution?
Absolutely none !
17. Will you be looking for a new relationship?
No. Bloody. Way.
18. New house?
An appartment for when I live with Jon in Ireland, yes.
19. What will you do differently in 2010?
Try and think before I react/burst into tears.
20. What will you not be doing in 2010?
Nervous breakdown.
21. Any trips planned?
Maybe Scottland, to see that Doctor Who exposition thingy. If not... well, Ireland ^___^
22. Wedding plans?
Not yet XD
23. What's on your calendar?
August 19 : can't wait to make it to the second anniversary. Around April, I should now whether or not they'll take me as a French language assistant. In July, I'll move in to Ireland for more than a year hopefully *_*
24. What can't you wait for?
To be living in Ireland with Jon. Even though I will miss my friends a lot.
25. Will you be nicer to the people you care about?
26. Will you be nice to people you don't know?
Well... I'll try ?
27. Do you expect 2010 to be a good year for you?
I don't know. I hope so !
28. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now?
Oh yes !
29. What are your New Year's Eve plans?
I spent it with Jon at my father's. It was cool.
30. Wish for 2010?
Not to be annoying. Not to cut myself from the world.
And to become a French language assistant in Ireland !!