I got a plank of wood (which happened to be the exact size I needed already) and hardware from Home Depot for something like $10.
It was sort of a pain to attach, but only because I had already assembled the desk and didn't want to take it apart .. so I had to lie on my back underneath it to drill the holes and screw them in, which was a little awkward. But not too bad, probably took less than an hour all told.
Do you have a Jerker too? Gotta love the modular desk!
Cool, I'll have to check that out if I ever do go back to using a desktop... sadly, I haven't touched it in a long, long time. Although if Leopard includes ZFS support, I may very well get a Mac Pro.
It was sort of a pain to attach, but only because I had already assembled the desk and didn't want to take it apart .. so I had to lie on my back underneath it to drill the holes and screw them in, which was a little awkward. But not too bad, probably took less than an hour all told.
Do you have a Jerker too? Gotta love the modular desk!
So did you just use shelving hardware or what? I definitely want a keyboard try for my Jerker...!
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