Order of the Pheonix spiel

Nov 25, 2005 18:03

Most of what was cut in Goblet of Fire was NOT important to the over all plot of all seven books. And some that are (like fawkes giving two feathers as cores and such) can be explain a lot easier in later movies.

Personaly I don't see how people can be upset that the movies are different. Why would you pay 8 bucks for a movie exactly like teh book, when you can just read the book? (assuming you own the book, or have access to it at a local library) I don't know, but that's just me.

They still made quite a long movie for HP movies. you are sitting there for THREE HOURS!!! (including previews.)

I do know that these things should most likely be in OotP:

[Most likely]
the nutorious first detention (and possible first 'sinking in' detention if it's not merged with the first one)
Dumbldore's Army (but with less members and no more than two sessions.)
Harry's dreams(especially 'Eye of the Snake') and Occulmency
Grimwauld Place
Harry's angst.
Fight at the Ministry and the battle between Dumbldore and Riddle
The veil (and everything that 'goes in it')
Threstels? (but witha short distription, possible explianed not through hagridbut from another student)
Room of requirment (but not a lot of screen time on it)
Harry banned from Quiddittch

[Somewhat likely but wouldn't be suprised if not in]
Dementor attack and Hearing (both more likely then the rest on this somewaht likely list)
Harry and Cho's first date
Twins banned form quiddittch and leaving hogwarts (I know them leaving hogwarts is funny, but you shouldn't get you hopes up on it.)

[Least or not likely]
Rita Skeeter (Miranda said she was not going to be in the fifth movie)
Dobby or Winky (Harry can fint the RoR through chance like Dumbledor has)

Please add more if ist's not on but think carefully. this is not a list of what YOU think SHOULD be in the movie. This is a list of what, with time restraint and budget (though less of a big deal on buget), in reality would be in the movie. I'm guessing that WB might push the time to three hours because of the length of GoF being only 30 minutes less and the fact taht it wil definately be PG-13 so that Parents have an excuse not to sit through a three hour movie so that kids under preteen can see it.

Order of the Pheonix is not only the longest book, but also the most dense and 'juicy' (as I call it) book of them all. Which means it will be the most difficult to film without making the audience (namely the friends and family dragged to go) sit through a twelve hour movie.

harry potter

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