
snow snow snow snow

Feb 06, 2008 13:21

soon we'll all be there with snow

i remeber as a kid hearing bean crosby sing that tune on white christmass and get chills hopping that i wouuld see sonw soon
that was a long time ago and mush further south
and i knnow i've bitched aand bitched about the cold to everyone but my god
can we stop this constiant snow fall
it seams 4 or five days a week now that the fucking white shit falls

thank you for listening to the grafton bitch system
this was only a test i repeat this was only a test
if this were an actual bitch season there would be an exsesive use of the word "fuck"
and it would be used in atlest 3 different tenses
we now return you to your reguly schedualed blog

i am not dead yet
go to hell desies and viruse
i have been bedridden for about 48hours
but to day thanks to day quill i am up and smoking and drinking coffe once again
the only thing worse than being sick is being sick and unable to smoke
so by the start of the seconday i was not only fevorish congested coufing and babaling in coherently but i was also going throw withdraw
but big bonos when i came to for about an hour last night i relized the guy i was with the other night had emailed me telling me he had a great time so what if he got my name wrong Rafton is close enuff
i wrote back letting him know i had a great time aswell and would like to get together again soon and i did let him know my real name and one again i'm smilling like an ideot wtf is with that
this shit eating grin
i'm lossing all the street cred i builkd up as the angree ddepressed guy
but i think i'll live throw it

and now i should go be productive

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