Jul 22, 2005 11:23
Going to be going to Cleveland again to visit with the family. Which is good. I've gotten a few things for the kids here and there and they are starting to pile up. I found a plush Darth Vader for Ricky that does the breathing noise and says "You don't know the power of the Dark Side" when you hug him. I think he will like it. I also picked up some Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titan Go! comic books for him. And for Tori I picked up the latest Baby Einstein DVD that helps teach words. She has a limited vocabulary so far, but it is growing. And she loves to brush her own hair so I found a Tori-sized hair brush what has Winnie the Pooh on it. The other brushes my sister has a a little too big for her tiny hands and she ends up hitting herself in the head with them more often then anything else. Which is amusing too.